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Help name my character :)


Pokémon Artist
Hi everyone! :)

I randomly came up with a husky character who I had great fun drawing. Here he is!


Only problem is, I can't come up with a name for him! Anyone got any suggestions? :) I'm thinking of doing a ref sheet so I'd love for him to have an awesome name!

Omega Pirate

shove it up ya bum!
It looks absolutely brilliant. The first name that popped into my head was Black Hayate, but that's already been taken :(


<-touch him and die!
my friend says white or black fang , i say huey:)


Adam and the Ants
Sorrow, Shadow, Trust or Bob XD

~Lati Master~

Play With Fire
Black Utotou


Chaotic Dreamer
How cute! Great anatomy, it really looks like a husky. (Though the neck may be a bit long)

What about Nix? Nyx is a Greek God of Darkness; this lad seems a bit happy to fit the name, but you never know.

Seen you around DevArt before, will watch not that I know who you are :) Im PhaseXero there, by the way.

Chaos Sneasel

Sneasel of Chaos

He's definitely a Jack.

~Chaos Sneasel ;215;​


Ooh, maaaan!
Man, these are all some feisty nerd names, man.

Ya know, if I was naming a dog, I'd give him a people-name, so that he wouldn't have to grow up and live with a dumb dog name like "Apple" or "Coco" and be made fun of by all his doggy friends.

What he needs is a COOL name, and there is NO (and when I say NO, do I ever mean NO) cooler name than O'Malley. You should totally name the dog O'Malley.

(Come to think of it, Chaos Sneasel's right, Jack does work... but... but so does O'Malley!)


Adam and the Ants
FIDO! yeh it seems common, but tell me have you actually ever known a dog called Fido?


FG! *Huggles*

That drawing is so cute! I haven't seen art from you for ages...okay thats my fault because of work and such, but this is such a lovely pic to come back to ^_^ I love him, the shading as usual is supperb and the pose and style is as good as allways. As for a name, the first thing that popped into my head was Koda ^_-
Shugo. o.o It was the first thing that popped into my head XD

He's a cute doggy <3 You're a pretty good artist. Good anatomy and the coloring is nice.