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Help on getting elekid with electirizer


With fire red attached, you need to head to valley windworks, and they will be in the grassy area next to the building. You can up the chances of getting the electirizer, by having a pokemon with pickup with you i guess.


Well-Known Member
actually, you can get elekid with electirizers anywhere on that route. and they should always have the item, unlike magby which only has the magmarizer occasionally. i dunno, my players guide says they should always have it, and i only had to catch one and it had the item... i caught 3 magbys and there was no item :( sooo... i hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
actually, you can get elekid with electirizers anywhere on that route. and they should always have the item, unlike magby which only has the magmarizer occasionally. i dunno, my players guide says they should always have it, and i only had to catch one and it had the item... i caught 3 magbys and there was no item :( sooo... i hope that helps.

Your player's guide is wrong. They're uncommon on the route and the item is even more rare.