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help on new bf team


Well-Known Member
ok im wanting:

Kadabra/Gardevoir (can take out battle pike lucy pretty easily psychic/t-bolt)
Blastoise(not so sure about this one...salamance/starmie maybe?)
Blaziken (i'll breed my almost perfect IV's onto the baby)

it'll be level 50. i this isn't good replace one or something.


Well-Known Member
Metagross? It takes out Lucy easily.

Metagross @ Choice Band
- Earthquake
- Meteor Mash
- Sludge Bomb / Rock Slide
- Explosion

ok i forgot to add that vs lucy, switch CB for Persim berry.

use Metagross, Gardevoir and Blaziken.
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Well-Known Member
thanks crudent kenw you'd suggest something. always helping people :)


meteor mash
sludge bomb

blaze kick
aerial ace
sky uppercut
*bad moveset on blaziken?

and wat ev's?
gardevoir-sp.attack, speed
metagross-attack, speed
blaziken-sp.attack, speed


Well-Known Member
This is gonna be quick.

Adamant, of course
EVs: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 HP for ingame. But you can move some Speed EVs to Defense and HP if you want to.

Gardy @ Lum Berry
Modest or Timid
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spd / 4 HP
- Calm Mind
- Will-o-wisp / Hypnosis
- Psychic
- Thunderbolt

Blaziken @ Leftovers
Adamant or Lonely
EVs: 252 Attack / 252 Speed / 4 HP
- Swords Dance
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast
- Sky Uppercut
- Rock Slide


Well-Known Member
wat do u mean 4HP?
and 252 speed i get that to 252 right?
but 4 HP? how do u do that/


Well-Known Member
give a pokemon 252 EVs in one stat, 252 EVs in another stat, and then give it 4 EVs in a last stat.


Well-Known Member
k. and this is a lv. 50 team so far. so i kill like 252 zubats, 252 spinda, and 4 whismurs?


Well-Known Member
Save your time. Put a Macho Brace on your pokemon while EV training them and halve those numbers. Better yet, if you have Pokerus, half the halved number (so it becomes 63, 63 and 1 pokemon for 3 stats).