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Help please


Kyokudo <33
well its up to you
personally I think fire starters are the best in this game,while your treecko will have trobles against the many flying type bosses


Mammoth Master!
Well, just wait till you defeat rayquazza then you can be anybody.


Well-Known Member
Grass does make it harder, but you should just choose whatever you want--it's not like the game's impossible.... If it means anything, you CAN switch to Cyndaquil after you beat the game, but only after you beat it.

Shiny Bashamo

Isn't it cute ^^
Grass does make it harder, but you should just choose whatever you want--it's not like the game's impossible.... If it means anything, you CAN switch to Cyndaquil after you beat the game, but only after you beat it.

That's my point, I'd like to be Cyndaquil but I can be Cyndaquil AFTER I beat Rayquaza, wich will be almost impossible with Treecko, since he is weak to flying.

I think I'm just going to restart and be a Cyndaquil, then my partner will be a waterpokémon, I think I will choose Squirtle



Well-Known Member
But the game's not impossible as a grass type. I had a Chikorita in Blue as a partner, but it never really died on me even with those bosses, except Articuno once. As long as you don't decide to lag behind in your levels, you should be fine.

....Buuuuut if you want to be a Cyndaquil, that's probably best for you.


I am watching you...
Hey that's my team lol (only now I have a Sceptile and Typhlosion).

I wouldn't restart, as after you beat rayquaza, you can choose who you want to play as and you can choose your partner!


I wanted ketchup!!!
Yeah you should just be paitient and wait till you beat Rayquaza


ooo, what's cooking?
okay...it don matter. I have eevee and chikorita in my blu, but i just using wonder mail to help. It don matter which starter to use, u can always wm from the generator thread. So u can be whatever u want, it took me 10 times or more to be eevee, i had to lie about my gender.