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HELP pokemon emerald

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<--what im after
well......i was looking for a feebas when a latios showed up i was like cool (but ive used my master ball) ive been hunting it down for hours it showed up like 8 times and i had a lvl 42 sodowoodo with quick claw and the move block but as soon as i use it it flees any one help
were can i find a feebas


Heat Trainer
Um Wobbuffet is your friend while catching fleeing legendaries, its ablity will stop it fleeing immediatley. Also theres a few attacks such as block, i forget the others though. I can't remember which route feebas is on, but theres hundreds of water tiles, and feebas will be in 6 of them. Good luck on that one


Well-Known Member
On lati@s use a pokemon with mean look or its ability prevents escape,
pick a route and just keep searching until u find it( 10 battles then soft reset[save before hand]) Feebas. 1.)go to dewford and talk to the guy above the Pokecenter, put in some random crap. then go to route 116 or 119. the one that heads north towards foretree ( u might want to search on this one.)
search or fish every tile until u find a feebas. search each one 5 times.go in this pattern........................start here[] finish here{}

then u must almost max out his beauty, with blue or indego pokebloks
For more info search Gamefaqs.
hope that helps
oh and when u find a tile with one feebas but accidently kill it or something
DONT FRET! it will apear again. the chance of a feebas occuring there again instead of another fish is 75%! which is good. GOOD LUCK, its hard i searched for like 2hrs and didnt find him


Obsessive Beader/Mod
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