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Help! There's something wrong with my game...

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u k i f u n e
Everytime I load up my Crystal Version, all it says is NEW GAME and OPTION. It doesn't display my saved file. I started a new game last night and nothing else was wrong with it. I saved it and this morning it didn't have it on the menu - It just had NEW GAME and OPTION.
Is there something I can do to fix this?​


Pippi! Pi!
Your internal battery has died.

Get a new game.

^ What he said.

Unfortunately, this is a reality for all the old GB and GBC games. Shoot, it's going to happen eventually to the GBA games too. But it was fun while it lasted, eh? :p


Only on Wii
Is there not a way to repair it? Recently there have been those threads, as it has been 6 years after it's release and people's bateries have died.

Your one of the lucky ones.


Pippi! Pi!
Is there not a way to repair it? Recently there have been those threads, as it has been 6 years after it's release and people's bateries have died.

Your one of the lucky ones.
Nope. I thought I had heard at one point that Nintendo was offering to replace internal batteries on some of its older games, but it might have been a rumor. Anyway, unless that's true, there really is no way, short of taking the game apart and replacing it yourself, although where you'd get the materials, I have no idea. :p


u k i f u n e
Aw man. :S
That sucks. >_>
I have a independent game store near my house that sells those old GB games for pretty cheap, so I'll have no problem getting a replacement.


Really and truly
There've already been a MILLION topics just like this, and doing a search would have found you the answer. :/

Also, it IS possible to recharge your internal battery. We have a Sticky detailing the instructions so you don't need to buy a new game.

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