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Help to Finish Shield Dex (UDPATE - Got it all thanks!)


The Dream Eater
I'm hoping someone with Sword can help me with finishing my dex.
I need the following:

Flapple (or just a Tart Apple)
Swirlix (trade with a Whipped Dream, I have one if required)
Aromatisse (I can trade the Spritzee with satchet if required)
Corsola (galarian)
Karrablast trade with Shelmet (then trade the Escavalier back)
Dracozolt (just to save me having to get the fossil drops)
Actrozolt (just to save me having to get the fossil drops)

If you need anything back I'll trade it back, probably only likely to be the fossils or Zacian I'd guess.
Thanks in advance.


New Member
I`ve got almost every pokemon you need prepared for trade.

You can obtain unovan yamask here :
"In the Ballonlea Gym, you'll find a Poké Kid who has caught a Yamask abroad. They will offer it in exchange for a Galarian Yamask. This is the only way to natively get a Unovan Yamask and to evolve one into Cofagrigus It has a Dynamax Level of 2",
or I just may tradeback my Cofagrigus.

Also it would be nice if you can trade zamazenta for zacian permanently (though I`m sure this isn`t possible :) ), but if not tradeback will be nice too.


The Dream Eater
I`ve got almost every pokemon you need prepared for trade.

You can obtain unovan yamask here :
"In the Ballonlea Gym, you'll find a Poké Kid who has caught a Yamask abroad. They will offer it in exchange for a Galarian Yamask. This is the only way to natively get a Unovan Yamask and to evolve one into Cofagrigus It has a Dynamax Level of 2",
or I just may tradeback my Cofagrigus.

Also it would be nice if you can trade zamazenta for zacian permanently (though I`m sure this isn`t possible :) ), but if not tradeback will be nice too.

Thanks very much but I got it all yesterday. Thanks though.