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Help with 4 Pokemon, please?

I'm not entirely sure if I should post these in here...but it seems to be a good place.

Well any way onto the topic:

I need help trying to create good pokemon. Can you please try and help me?

I need help with Meganium ;154; , Blaziken ;257; , Swampert ;260;, and Noctowl ;164;.

For Blaziken ;257; I wanna have him with Sky Upper Cut and Flame Thrower, but for the rest of the moves and other pokemon I have no clue.

so please... help me.


um, and stuff
Meganium-Giga Drain, Body Slam, Toxic, Razor Leaf
Noctowl-Hypnosis, Psychic, Reflect, Toxic/Whirlwind
Blazeken-Skyuppercut, Flamethrower, Rock Slide, ???
Swampert-Rock Slide, Earthquake, Rest, Curse


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Moving to RMT in case you want more input.


Blaziken @ Leftovers
Hasty Nature (+Spd, -Def)
Trait: Blaze
- Flamethrower
- Sky Uppercut
- Swords Dance
- Rock Slide

Meganium @ Leftovers
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
Trait: Overgrow
- Substitute
- Leech Seed
- Toxic/Grasswhistle
- Counter/Razor Leaf/Giga Drain/Hidden Power [Grass]

Noctowl @ Leftovers
Calm Nature (+Sdef, -Atk)
Trait: Insomnia
- Psychic
- Whirlwind
- Toxic/Hypnosis
- Reflect/Hidden Power [Dark]

Swampert @ Leftovers
Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)
Trait: Torrent
- Curse/Surf/Ice Beam
- Earthquake
- Rest
- Rock Slide/Surf/Ice Beam