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Help with beldum learning earthquake


Well-Known Member
I need a breeding chain for beldum to learn earthquake, and don't tell me that you can pick it up I don't want to know


<--will be mine
What CloudLink said. Plus, Beldum's ONLY learnable move is Take down, so it cannot pick it up by breeding at all.


Good at Life.
You've got to use the Earthquake TM to get it on.

Otherwise, since Meta and his little guys don't have a gender to breed with (and Ditto can't learn EQ obviously), good luck.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Like the other have said, Beldum can only breed with Ditto, and cannot inherit any moves.

You MUST use TM 26 on it if you wish to teach it earthquake.

Take Down is Beldum's ONLY learnable attack, it CAN'T learn any other moves, meaning you will have to evolve it before you can teach it earthquake.



I won't give up!
Beldum can't learn any move other than Take Down. So if you want to teach it Earthquake you have to evolve it into Metang and teach it TM26.

Dark Aerodactyl

i am not a spammer
beldum can't learn moves. It only know take-down. Metang and Metagross can know e-quake with tm 26


echospace obsessive
No you should check the main site first and see if your answers there then if you don`t find the answer ask on the forum.