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Help with character names!!


SPPF's spammer
I really need some name ideas for my fic. So far I have the names for:
Kris-based off Marina
Molly-based of FrLg Girl
Yuki-based off Brendan
Sophie-based off May
Hiro-based off Kenta
Kamon-based off Silver

I need names for a boy based off Ash and another based off Gary. Originally it was Bobby and Mortime, but their names sort of...don't work ^^;


This Place is Death.
Gary - Zach
Ash - Sean, or Tyler perhaps? Brent, maybe.

And why does Brendan have a girl's name meaning "Snow"? Just curious.

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
... um ... if you are having the characters, I mean seriously, why not just have them keep their original names. I mean 'based offa' and then giving them new names sounds like what you're really doing is taking the character, giving it a few tweaks to make it seem original, then adding on a new name to the character. Instead, why don't you create BRAND NEW CHARACTERS....

and go to Behindthename.com :/ as that has like 5000+ names or even MORE and makes this thread obsolete.


SPPF's spammer
:( No, that's not really what I'm doing. I'm basing the characters off the GAMES. The Red boy, for example, has the same character design as the boy from Red, Blue, and Yellow. His journey is based off my own game on Yellow version and the same Pokemon I caought and trained.

Kris was a different story...I had to tweak her design more because I didn't exactly like Sugimori's original one. So I also based her journey on my Crystal game(partially)

Thanks for the ideas! They'll really help :)

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
... you know I may have based a trainer fic offa one of my teams in LG, but I didn't use the sprite as my character. I spent time on making Angel up, thinking up a design/etc to fit her. :/ how hard is it to do that? I mean when people read fics, they don't want to read about Brandon the formerly Red Sprite trainer who travels through the land of Kanto(yellow version) having the exact. Same. Quest.

Angel might have done the same- but only to an extent in reciving pokemon, IE starter. Magikarp from black market dude, Fossil from Mt Moon, and so forth. Spice up the fic, seriously, no one likes reading trainer fics with no twists and stuff to make it a bit better than the plethora of hundreds of other run of the mill OT fics.

And the first step is to use an original character :/


SPPF's spammer
It wasn't the same quest, I changed it to make it more readable and interesting, also, it's not JUST telling their journey tales. They're only in brief format and the main story is how they meet together and compete in the Battle Frontier(they have different Pokemon, one from each region not counting Shinou) plus there are some original characters like Gina, a trainer who reappears often.