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Help with dream team


New Member
Hello, I know that this forum is "Rate my team" no "help with my team", but I don't know where I can put it(maybe, beacuse I'm new on serebii.net).
So, I play many times in Silver and always I used ubers and attacks was only offensive etc., and I haven't problem with finished it. I was very big n00b. Last time I read many topics and I saw how many things I did wrong. Now I want to finish my silver with no ubers, and with really good movesets, because in future I want to fight with my friends(I have few friends with gameboy, but nobody of us have link cable xD).
I thought about something like that(I didn't start play yet):

First of all my starter Typhlosion.

Next I think about water pokemon.
I thought about Starmie, Golduck, Poliwrath, Lapras, Slowbro and Cloyster, but I don't know which choose.

Then I thought about Herracross, because I really like this pokemon. Is it good pkmn?

Then I thought about psychic or ghost pokemon. I thought about Jynx, Hypno, Kadabra, Espeon, Executor or if I choose slowbro for water pkmn I don't need next psychic. Which is the best?

Nex I thought about flying pokemon. I thought about Pidgeot, Crobat and Skarmory. Which should I choose?

Last I thought about pokemon with very high defence. I thought about Graveler, Donphan, Onix and Skarmory if I choose it for flying pokemon.

And than I have 0-2 slots open and I didn't know what I can put there. Please help me with putting good movesets for this pokemon, choose wich I should use and suggest some options if I am wrong in some places.

P.S. I play on gamboy, but I can't trade because I haven't link cable.
P.S.2. Sorry for my bad english
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Volcano Trainer
For your water, I would choose one of the following: Starmie, Lapras, Slowbro (in no particular order).

Yes, Heracross is good, he would be good to use.

If you choose Lapras for your water, Espeon or Exeggcutor would be good, but you wouldn't be able to get Exeggcutor for a while. Come to think of it, you wouldn't be able to get Starmie for a while either, unless this is Crystal. Hypno could be good if you wanted more of a staller.

Skarmory if you want to go standard, but Crobat is cool too. I'm not a big fan of Pidgeot, but if you do want a normal flyer, go with Dodrio.

Rhydon could be pretty good too, or maybe Forretress. This also depends on your previous decisions.

You might want a normal type in there such as Miltank or Blissey too, it's up to you.

Once you get your six (you might want to wait for a couple of more posts), put down which movesets you think they should have. After that, you would be able to get a pretty good team rate.


Well-Known Member
Well in GSC, Pokemon roles are more important than type. For example, most well-constructed teams have stallers, annoyers, a physical sweeper, a special sweeper, sometimes even a baton passer. So maybe this will help:

Heracross is an EXCELLENT POKEMON... Physical sweeper.

Water... Slowbro can be a decent annoyer or tank. Lapras is definately a tank and Starmie is one of the best special sweepers in the game.

As for Psychic, Jynx is a good sleeper/trapper, Exeggutor is a good sleeper/staller/drainer AND exploder. Gengar makes a great lead pokemon with Hypnosis and Explosion!

Good defense Poke... Skarmary 100% for physical sponge. If you want electric immunity Steelix works well too.

Last couple spots... Blissey is a great special sponge. Jolteon makes an excellent cleaner and baton passer. Those are some suggestions...


New Member
stallers, annoyers, a physical sweeper, a special sweeper, sometimes even a baton passer.
I don't understand this, could someone put definitions for this ''names''? I'll be really happy if you give some examples of pokemon for each 'type'(I don't know how you it calls I mean physical sweeper etc.).

So maybe when role is more important than type, I don't need to run with typhlosion and if you think than some pokemon will be better than it(but don't say about other starters) tell me.
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Well-Known Member
First of all my starter Typhlosion.
Typhlosion is a good starter pokemon.Makes a good mixed sweeper.A mixed sweeper is a pokemon with high speed and a combonation of physical and special moves.


Next I think about water pokemon.
I thought about Starmie, Golduck, Poliwrath, Lapras, Slowbro and Cloyster, but I don't know which choose.
I would say to defiently go with Starmie.Starmie makes a excellent special sweeper.A special sweeper is a pokemon with high speed and mostly special attacks.

~Ice Beam

Then I thought about Herracross, because I really like this pokemon. Is it good pkmn?
Heracross is a good pokemon.Makes a good physical sweeper.A physical sweeper is a pokemon that has high speed and mostly physical attacks.

~Sleep Talk

Then I thought about psychic or ghost pokemon. I thought about Jynx, Hypno, Kadabra, Espeon, Executor or if I choose slowbro for water pkmn I don't need next psychic. Which is the best?
I would have to say either Kadabra,Jynx or Hypno.Hypno is more of a defensive pokemon.Both Kadabra and Jynx are special sweepers.Your choice.

~Fire Punch
~Thunder Wave

~Lovely Kiss
~Ice Beam

~Light Screen
~Thunder Wave

NextI thought about flying pokemon. I thought about Pidgeot, Crobat and Skarmory. Which should I choose?
I would say to either go with Crobat or Pidgeot.Your Choice.

~Wing Attack
~Confuse Ray
~Hidden Power Fighting/Haze

~Wing Attack
~Steel Wing

Last I thought about pokemon with very high defence. I thought about Graveler, Donphan, Onix and Skarmory if I choose it for flying pokemon.
I would say to either go with Skarmory or Donphan.Donphan can help with eletric weakness.Your choice.

~Drill Peck

~Ancientpower/Hidden Power Rock

My suggestions are in bold above.I added some movesets to the pokemon I chose to help you decide on what you like better.You could throw a blissey in there for a special wall.A special wall is a pokemon with high special defense.


New Member
~Ice Beam
~Thunder Wave
~Ice Beam
~Light Screen
~Thunder Wave
Could you explain me how I can teach this moves to my pokemons? In silver doesn't exist tm's that could teach ice beam, substitute, ancientpower, thunder wave or thunderbolt. And this pkmn doesn't learn it at normal. And I told that I can't trade. :(
You could throw a blissey
Could you put here a good moveset for blissey?
And what are staller, annoyer and baton passer?


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I forgot about Typhlosion. He is an EXCELLENT pokemon. Use him as a mixed sweeper try this:

*Fire Blast
*Sunny Day

The physical move means he won't get absolutely walled. Earthquake for fellow fires, Dynamicpunch for Blissey. Don't rely on its accuracy though...

Now a staller is like a tank.. but normally uses trapping moves like mean look and draining killing moves like leech seed or curse or perish song.

Starmie is very common special sweeper, but in my opinion works just as well as an annoyer. An annoyer laughs at his opponent because they can't hit them due to status affliction. Heres an example, the common DeathStar:

Starmie@Kings Rock/Brightpowder
*Confuse Ray

Confuse Ray (.5) * Thunderwave *(.25) = .375 or 37.5% chance the opponent will hit you. Add in brightpowder reduces accuracy by 12% and King's Rock is a 12% flinching chance when you use Surf. That makes it 32.8%! Then throw in the ability to recover and your opponent will rip their hair out. A speedy pokemon like starmie can KO several opponents without a scratch.

A baton Passer passes on Stat uppers, such as agility or double team to a teammate. This is a tactic for a powerful pokemon that needs speed help to sweep like Thick Club Marowak. Common ones to look out for are Scizor, Girafarig, and the Eeveelutions.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I forgot about Typhlosion. He is an EXCELLENT pokemon. Use him as a mixed sweeper try this:

*Fire Blast
*Sunny Day

The physical move means he won't get absolutely walled. Earthquake for fellow fires, Dynamicpunch for Blissey. Don't rely on its accuracy though...

Now a staller is like a tank.. but normally uses trapping moves like mean look and draining killing moves like leech seed or curse or perish song.

Starmie is very common special sweeper, but in my opinion works just as well as an annoyer. An annoyer laughs at his opponent because they can't hit them due to status affliction. Heres an example, the common DeathStar:

Starmie@Kings Rock/Brightpowder
*Confuse Ray

Confuse Ray (.5) * Thunderwave *(.25) = .375 or 37.5% chance the opponent will hit you. Add in brightpowder reduces accuracy by 12% and King's Rock is a 12% flinching chance when you use Surf. That makes it 32.8%! Then throw in the ability to recover and your opponent will rip their hair out. A speedy pokemon like starmie can KO several opponents without a scratch.

A baton Passer passes on Stat uppers, such as agility or double team to a teammate. This is a tactic for a powerful pokemon that needs speed help to sweep like Thick Club Marowak. Common ones to look out for are Scizor, Girafarig, and the Eeveelutions.


New Member
But I still don't understand how can I teach starmie thunder wave.
~Hidden Power Fighting
What is this? When I play silver I saw only TM: Hidden Power. Could you explain me what is this?
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Well-Known Member
But I still don't understand how can I teach starmie thunder wave.

What is this? When I play silver I saw only TM: Hidden Power. Could you explain me what is this?

The only way that you can get a Thunder Wave on Starmie is if you trade it back to RBY to learn it.I would recommend the special sweeping Starmie if your going to use a Starmie.I use one on my gold version and it can sweep Lance's team easily.

Hidden Power is a move that is random.All you can really do to figure out what type it really is,is battle a bunch of random pokemon and use Hidden Power on them.Wait till you get a super effective on them and write it down.Look at the battle chart to figure it out.

If you want to learn more about Hidden Power,here is a site that explains it better. http://www.serebii.net/games/hidden-power.shtml

Here is a site for the battle chart. http://www.serebii.net/games/type.shtml
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New Member
And if I can't trade, how can I replace some of theese moves(I mean all that need trade)?
And btw, I heard something about move tutor in G/S/C that teach thunderbolt, icebeam and flamethrower, but I can't find him. It is true? If yes, where he is?


Well-Known Member
And if I can't trade, how can I replace some of theese moves(I mean all that need trade)?
And btw, I heard something about move tutor in G/S/C that teach thunderbolt, icebeam and flamethrower, but I can't find him. It is true? If yes, where he is?

That sucks.Well,the ones that need to be traded to get some of there moves is Starmie,Jynx,Hypno and Kadabra.Well,for Starmie since you can't get some move like Ice Beam and Thunderbolt.You could use Blizzard and Thunder over them.For Jynx,you could use either Blizzard or Ice Punch over Ice Beam.For Kadabra you could use Ice Punch,Thunderpunch,Light Screen,Reflect, or Toxic over Thunder Wave.Well,that hurts Hypno bad.I guess you could use Toxic,Shadow Ball or Rest over Light Screen,Reflect, and Thunder Wave since you can't get them,You can only get if you have RBY.

Yes there is a move tutor in Crystal Version.He is located in Goldenrod City just outside the Game Corner.There is certain days that he is out though.I dont exactly know what days he comes out though.He can teach any pokemon Ice Beam,Thunderbolt and Flamethrower if they can use it.


New Member
Hi it's me again :D
Thank you Dragon_Reborn for help.


I heard that Wobbuffet is really powerful in RSE, but in GSC it has that same moves!
What do you think about it? I ask cause I don't see reason why it can be powerfull. Could someone explain me that?
And could someone put here good movesets for Haunter, Tauros and Miltank?


Well-Known Member
Hi it's me again :D
Thank you Dragon_Reborn for help.


I heard that Wobbuffet is really powerful in RSE, but in GSC it has that same moves!
What do you think about it? I ask cause I don't see reason why it can be powerfull. Could someone explain me that?
And could someone put here good movesets for Haunter, Tauros and Miltank?

lol.No problem,I'm always glad to help others out the best I can.

Yes,Wobbuffet is a really powerful pokemon.It's so powerful that it is consisted as a uber lol.

I'm not much of a uber person,but I think Wobbuffet would make a good addition to your team.Wobbufett is a phenomenal pokemon.It is so strong because of Counter and Mirror Coat.Counter doubles the attack back of a physical attack.Mirror Coat doubles the attack back of a special move.There is also Safeguard in his moveset that negates status problem move like Thunder Wave.Lastly,Density Bond makes the opposing pokemon faint when you faint.As you can see here Wobbufett is a pretty phenomenal pokemon.Counter and Mirror Coat is the main reason of why it is uber.

Sure thing.Here is some good movesets for Haunter,Tauros and Miltank.

~Thunderbolt(crystal move tutor)
~Giga Drain
This hurts since you can't evolve this Haunter into a Gengar there is 2 good moves you can't get Ice Punch/Fire Punch and Explosion.So I would suggest this set then.More of a special sweeper.

~Return/Body Slam
~Fire Blast(for Skarmory)/Sleep Talk
There is 2 options here.You could go with the Sleep Talk set or use Curse and Fire Blast.Fire Blast would be good to defend of a Skarmory.

~Body Slam/Return
~Milk Drink
~Heal Bell
More of your defensive support pokemon.Milk Drink for when you are low on health and Heal Bell for status problems.Attack away with Body Slam/Return and Earthquake.


New Member
Ok I thought about your advices and try to build team, how it looks?

- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Thunderpunch
- Rest

- Safeguard
- Destiny Bond
- Counter
- Mirror Coat

- Drill Peck
- Rest
- Curse
- Thief

- Heal Bell
- Milk Drink
- Body Slam
- Earthquake

- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Earthquake
- Megahorn

- Thunder
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Recover

And I have three questions.
First, Dragon_Reborn you when give me moveset for Skarmory you put there in one place Curse or Roar, I chose Curse, because I don't understand how roar can be good. But I am only noob, so probably I am wrong. Could you tell me why roar is good move? :)
Secondly, Skarmory learn Drill Peck by breeding, as I read in Pokedex on serebii.net. What does it mean?
And the last is about items. What items they need hold? Give leftovers for all?
I thought about Dragonite in this team but I can't find place for it.

P.S. This team doesn't exist at the moment and tm's weren't used on pokemons so, if it's nesceseary of course, I can change it :]
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The Grass Eevee
Roar could be useful if you're in a battle and battling a Pokemon that your current Pokemon is weak against. You can then use Roar to switch your opponate's Pokemon.

Learning it by breeding means that you need to hatch one, and one of the parents needs to know Drill Peck. (I know that Doduo learns it at lv33, I think) To breed, you leave two Pokemon that can breed (In your case, you'd need a female Skarmory and a male Doduo or Dodrio that knows Drill Peck) in the day care center that's just south of Goldenrod and wait for them to lay and egg. You'll know they've laid an egg when the day care man is standing outside the back door to the day care. You go and talk to him, and he'll give you the egg (Make sure you have an empty spot in your party) And then you walk around for a bit, and it'll hatch into a lv5 Skarmory that knows Drill Peck.

And as for the items, Leftovers are always recommended, but only one leftovers can be found in the game (Unless you clone, which is a totally different story).

I hope that helps. Good luck!



Well-Known Member
Ok I thought about your advices and try to build team, how it looks?

- Flamethrower
- Earthquake
- Thunderpunch
- Rest
Good.Standard Typhlosion here.If you don't want to use Rest,you could try to get Hidden Power Ice.

- Safeguard
- Destiny Bond
- Counter
- Mirror Coat
Good.Standard Wobbuffet.

- Drill Peck
- Rest
- Curse
- Thief
I would recommend throwing Roar over Curse.

- Heal Bell
- Milk Drink
- Body Slam
- Earthquake
Good.Standard Miltank.

- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Earthquake
- Megahorn
Good.Standard Heracross.

- Thunder
- Blizzard
- Surf
- Recover
Good since you can't get the Ice Beam and Thunderbolt.

And I have three questions.
First, Dragon_Reborn you when give me moveset for Skarmory you put there in one place Curse or Roar, I chose Curse, because I don't understand how roar can be good. But I am only noob, so probably I am wrong. Could you tell me why roar is good move? :)
Secondly, Skarmory learn Drill Peck by breeding, as I read in Pokedex on serebii.net. What does it mean?
And the last is about items. What items they need hold? Give leftovers for all?
I thought about Dragonite in this team but I can't find place for it.

P.S. This team doesn't exist at the moment and tm's weren't used on pokemons so, if it's nesceseary of course, I can change it :]

Ok,I would chose Roar here.Roar is mainly used for baton passers and if you don't want to fight a pokemon that has the type advantage.Curse would work here cause of the defense and attack boost.The attack boost would help out your Drill Peck attack.

Yes,Skarmory can learn Drill Peck as a breeding move.You need to breed a male Dodrio that has the move Drill Peck with a female Skarmory.The baby Skarmory should have Drill Peck on it.

Well,you could use all leftovers.That would help recover some health each turn.Dragonite is a good pokemon to use.I use one in my competitive team.Well,you could put it over maybe Skarmory since you have a defensive suportive tank Miltank.I would recommend this moveset here:

~Wing Attack
~Hidden Power Fighting
A mixed sweeping Dragonite here.I tried getting Hidden Power Fighting before but got Hidden Power Ghost.Hidden Power Ghost will work to for psychic coverage.
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New Member
I can't use Crystal move tutor, because, as I said, I can't trade and I play silver, where this move tutor doesn't exist ;(
Thanks alot, I will use this Dragonite, but I will use Thunderpunch over Thunderbolt, but when I can trade I will change these moves :).


Well-Known Member
No problem.Always glad to help.

Oops.I keep forgeting that my bad.Yes,Thunderpunch will work good since you can't get Thunderbolt.