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Ghost Trainer
Does any1 have any good tips at monster houses there annoyning

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Earthquake if you're alone. If not, exacatly what Latias said. Sorry, I don't know how to do the hearts.


Well-Known Member
My strategy:

As soon as I see a monster house I take 2 steps down the hallway I just came from so they funnel down to fight me until they're gone. An alternative is use a snorunt line or Articuno/Charizard that have a room clearing move such as powder snow or heat wave seem to work wonders.


Well-Known Member
Even redius moves like Thunderbolt work well. Anything that can kill multiple opponents...And going back into the hallway sounds like a good idea, too, to fight one at a time. And also take out the worst pokemon first--like, I'm a Raichu so I'd always take out Ground Pokemon that potentially have something like Magnitude or Earthquake.

[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
If you have X-Ray Specs on your leader, you can also tell if there's a Monster House on your floor by seeing if there are any items grouped together in one room. Like, a room with three to five items in it (excluding those huge rooms that take up, like, half your screen on the map) are most likely Monster Houses, which gives you a chance to plan accordingly.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
That's another good way.

flareon tamer

Shiny hunter
Best moves to use are powder snow and heat wave or earthquake. Don't use earthquake if you have a partner with you. Using the petrify orb is good too at times.


fredfredburger yes!
if you have warp scarf fly away with that or use good moves or sticks iron thorns and those other stuffs.


Well-Known Member
Another way would be to use a poke that can climb on the wall (like gastly) and attacking them from there. Not many pokemon can hit a poke on the wall.


yeah-get the pokemons iq really hi
it'll learn a iq skill called house avoider
then they wont even appear!


fredfredburger yes!
do you have to give them a bunch of gummies to make their IQ higher?


yeah gummis that they like
(depends on type of pokemon)
tell me what type ur poke is and i'll help


fredfredburger yes!
tyhplosion blastiose and birdies or onix and mabe the latis.