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Help with Movesets and Evs


Ghost Trainer
Hello. I have a few pokemon i want to train but i dont know what movesets or how to spread their EV's. Please help

Groudon adament

Shiny Dratini Naughty

Regice Quiet

Shiny Manaphy Modest

Heatran Mild

Please Help
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Gallade master

Well-Known Member


I like Pink o.o;
Modest nature
EVs: 252 Satk, 252 Spd, 6HP
-Tail Glow
-Ice Beam
-Grass Knot

Prepare sweeping with 1 or 2 tail glows and commence sweeping.

Are you planning on evolving that dratini?
I'll post 2 sets then.

This is if you keep it as a dratini
Dratini@Leftovers/Focus Band
Naughty nature
EVs: 100 HP, (152 Def, 152 SDef, 106 Atk or 205 Def , 205 SDef)
-Thunder Wave

Attract, Thunder wave, then substitute, kill off with outrage or Toxic, Outrage, because of skin shed.

now if it's gonna become dragonite,

Dragonite@Life orb/Muscle band/leftovers/Persim Berry
Naughty Nature
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Outrage/Dragon Claw
-Dragon Dance
-Thunder punch

Dragon Dance once or twice and sweep, use persim berry if Outrage is used.

Quiet Nature
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Satk, 6 SDef
-Ice Beam
-Thunder Wave

Groudon@Salac Berry
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 6 HP
-Stone Edge
-Dragon Claw (IDK?)

I'm not too sure about Heatran, but I'll try

Heatran@Choice Specs/Scarf
Mild Nature
EVs: 252 Satk, 252 Spd, 6HP
-Flamethrower/Flame Plume
-Earth power
-Dragon pulse
-Flash Cannon

IDK about heatran so good luck :D