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help with my title

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Well-Known Member
im supposed to be an orange champion according tohttp://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=91015 and it shows the pic but it says sea ruby trainer. is it sppf or my comp


It's SPPf, as it comes up as Sea Ruby Trainer for me as well...that's weird. Are you sure you didn't set it as your custom user title or something? If not, then it's probably just a glitch. I wonder what'll happen when you reach the next rank though.... o_O
This has happeneed to me too. You need to go to edit user title than check the box named reset. This worked for me.


true love
Just do as the above two posters said and try resetting the user title. Should work, and if it doesn't, go to the Newbie Help Topic instead or something.
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