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Help with Sky Tower


Well-Known Member
Okay, right now, I am at the Sky Tower where it has Rayquaza at the top. The pokemon I have are Eevee, my partner Pikachu, and Absol. The problem is that I can't get to Rayquaza because my pokemon keep fainting from wild pokemon, especially when the pokemon gang up on mine. I've tried 5 times, and my pokemon end of fainting over and over again. The highest floor I reached was floor 26.

So do you think I should level up my pokemon some more? Level them by how much?

Lv. 33 Eevee
Lv. 32 Pikachu
Lv. 27 Absol

Or do you think I should add/get rid of a pokemon on my team? If so, which pokemon?

Any help would be appreciated.

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I beat Sky Tower with Pikachu, Mudkip and Magnemite, around the same levels you have listed there. o_O; I remember I almost died, I ran out of reviver seeds and everything right before I got to rayquaza.

I think you should just level them up by a few more levels. I think that should do it. Oh, and don't forget the reviver seeds. ^_^;

Team Blast

Back from the dead.
Maybe i suggest action replay?


Zigzagoon luv
^^ Dun. Dun. DUN. O_O
Level your pokemon up to 35.
I was lv. 44 when I beat It. Lawlz.
its going to be pretty hard for you, since there are ghousties, and your Eevee.
Heck, I even had trouble, But only because I brought Zangoose.
Also, Teach Absol Ice Beam, That Helps.