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Help with SSBM!

Is there an easy way to unlock Mewtwo and Mr. Game And Watch? I have every character but those two. And are they good characters when you unlock them?


Well-Known Member
Those are the only two I need aswell. But, unfortunately I've only got two controllers and 10 hours is a long time...


Super Gamer
LOL - so wait...this game came out about 5 years ago and your just NOW getting Mewtwo and Game & Watch, wow....

But yes, IIRC there is a thread for game help already as a pinned topic.



Mr. Game and Watch: Unlock All Chars. (After Mewtwo, Straight Away.) Optional: 1000 VS Matches.
Mewtwo: 20 Hours Multiplayer. Check in Melee Records. Optional: 800 VS Matches.

Just leave your Cube on Overnight while on an Unlimited melee. Wake Up, Reset, Fight Mewtwo, Beat Him, Fight GW, Beat Him. Easy.

Next Time you need help, use the Help Topic. Seriously.


Well-Known Member
Characer unlocks...

Jigglypuff - Beat the game
Luigi - Complete stage 1 with ##.#2.##, defeat him quickly
Marth - Beat the game or play multiplayer with all basic characters
Mewtwo - Play Multiplayer for 20 Hours
Young Link - Beat the game with 10 characters
Roy - Beat game as Marth
Ganondorf - Complete the "Triforce Gathering" event match
Pichu - Complete the "Legendary Pokemon" event match
Falco - Complete the 100-Man Melee
Dr. Mario - Beat the game as Mario without using any continues
Mr. Game & Watch - Beat the game with 24 Characters