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Help with WIFI


PokeTrainer Miki
If anyone needs help just ask, we'll try to solve the problem together.

hi, i've been search for ages all over and can't find anything about this. i just got my wifi connector and have installed it but i can't get my pokemon pearl to work. does anyone know how i can do this please?
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Question the Quilava

Holy! Ambush!!!!
What exactly is the nature of the problem? Do you get an error number (e.g 51008)? Have you checked www.nintendowifi.com?


PokeTrainer Miki
the problem is that it immediately disconnects me as soon as it check for the connection strength

Question the Quilava

Holy! Ambush!!!!
the problem is that it immediately disconnects me as soon as it check for the connection strength
does that happens when you're setting up the wifi? if so do you have any english wifi games in which you can create settings for? because that may help.


PokeTrainer Miki
yeah i'm trying with lost magic but i still get the same result
as soon as it stops checking the strength of the connection it momentarily puts me through and then says that no one is connected on the computer

it says internet connection error 6
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Sometimes a bit rude
Depending if you CAN get onto it, then its because you don't have any friend codes, I belive. Thats what stopped me from getting on.


You're Illegal
Do you actualy have a broad band connector? Like, are you wireless conected to the internet itself?


PokeTrainer Miki
can anyone try to trade with me so that i can check if its working or not? pls post ur frined code. where do i get mine?


Sometimes a bit rude
You go to the orange book-thing, enter it, and check the bottom one. It should show your friend code.


PokeTrainer Miki
Mine doesn't show -_- Wonder what the problem is. My Wi Fi is connected

what doesn't show?


Charizard Trainer
No idea. I talked to the woman like the walkthrough said(cause I can't read Kanji) and got the book and my Wi Fi is connected. I open the book and go to the third box like the trading list walkthrough said and clicked on it and looked at the box where my Friend Code is and it's not there. I see my name but no Friend Code.


PokeTrainer Miki
maybe you have to try going on wifi to get it for the first time? i suppose you have to configure your ds

BTW does anyone think its better to leave the usb connected to the computer (everytime i disconnect mine i can't seem to get it to work again


PokeTrainer Miki
yeah on the start menu you go to the wifi thingy and check that its configured/connected to the wifi


PokeTrainer Miki
go to the start screen on your game and choose the wifi option


PokeTrainer Miki
then press the big blue button, the long horizontal blue one then keep pressing a. after it doesn't make any weird "negative" sounds you can go play the game and enter wifi trading for eg GTS


Charizard Trainer
Okay. I'm trying and pressing the A button down. I keeps saying something then it comes up with an A button at the bottom of the screen here then it takes me back to the big blue line.