Well, two of you know how bad my deck sucked when we dueled online, but I think you saw some of my stradegies. Now I just got a warrior structure deck. How do you think I can utilize those cards with the cards I already have? Here is a list of my previous deck. Please hold back your laughter. I know it sucks.
Black Luster Soldier
Summoned Skull
Dark Magician
Mechanical Hound
Vampier Lord
Luster Dragon x2
Neo the Magic Swordsman x2
Invader of the Throne
Wall of Illusion x2
Gravekeeper's Guard
Skull-Marked ladybug
Sonic Bird
Peten the Dark Clown x3
Familiar Knight
Great Phantom Thief
Cyber Jar
Man-Eater Bug
Mask of Darkness
Magician of Faith
Steel Scorpion
Graceful Charity
Soul Exchange
Nobleman of Crossout
Heavy Storm
Different Dimension Capsule
Dian **** the Cure Master
Swords of Revealing Light
Nobleman of Extermination
Monster Reborn
Pot of Greed
Premature Burial
Malevolent Nuzzler
Snatch Steal
Soul Reversal
The Reliable Guardian
Rush Recklessly
Mystical Space Typhoon
Black Luster Ritual
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Pharaoh's Treasure
Raigeki Break
Trap Hole
Sakuretsu Armor
Call of the Haunted
Trap Jammer
Well, there ya have it. I know it's quite pathetic, but hey, I'm a newb, but now that I have my Warrior Structure Deck, Iwant to know what I should do. What should I keep from my old deck? What should I keep from the new deck? Do I need to get any other cards? I need feedback. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Black Luster Soldier
Summoned Skull
Dark Magician
Mechanical Hound
Vampier Lord
Luster Dragon x2
Neo the Magic Swordsman x2
Invader of the Throne
Wall of Illusion x2
Gravekeeper's Guard
Skull-Marked ladybug
Sonic Bird
Peten the Dark Clown x3
Familiar Knight
Great Phantom Thief
Cyber Jar
Man-Eater Bug
Mask of Darkness
Magician of Faith
Steel Scorpion
Graceful Charity
Soul Exchange
Nobleman of Crossout
Heavy Storm
Different Dimension Capsule
Dian **** the Cure Master
Swords of Revealing Light
Nobleman of Extermination
Monster Reborn
Pot of Greed
Premature Burial
Malevolent Nuzzler
Snatch Steal
Soul Reversal
The Reliable Guardian
Rush Recklessly
Mystical Space Typhoon
Black Luster Ritual
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Pharaoh's Treasure
Raigeki Break
Trap Hole
Sakuretsu Armor
Call of the Haunted
Trap Jammer
Well, there ya have it. I know it's quite pathetic, but hey, I'm a newb, but now that I have my Warrior Structure Deck, Iwant to know what I should do. What should I keep from my old deck? What should I keep from the new deck? Do I need to get any other cards? I need feedback. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.