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heracross help



Yeah ive been playing pokemon for a while and one of my first teams had heracross that i have traded countless times to differant cartridges its come time to breed him to make an adament or hasty endureversal level 50 heracroaa with mega horn my only problem is i breed him with a ditto nothing with a female hera nothing im just trying to get mega horn to him so i can have him at level 50

thanks TOY
You have to breed a female Heracross with a male Heracross that knows Megahorn. That's the only way it will work.


yeah i have a female heracross and a level 75 male heracross with brick break and megahorn nothing else trying to breed mega horn throughit never works
Atomic Boo said:
Both Male AND Female have to know the move as it's a level up move.

Quite right, i have around 30 Heracross, at low levels, all with Megahorn.
this way you can train it up easier, cos it will have a decent move to fight with!!
Heracross is my favourie Pokemon ever!!!


that sucks and i was waiting for the fighting masters final word thanks
that sucks and i was waiting for the fighting masters final word thanks

Ahhh shucks...... (I assume you dont mean me) Though the only way to get a level 50 Heracross with Megahorn is to do what Atomic Boo said and Get A female and a male Haracross, both with Megahorn, and breed them!!

Ps I have a,
hasty endureversal level 50 heracross
Too!!! It=Good!!
Nope; Choice Band set is the best.

Jolly Nature @ Leftovers
Brick Break
Rock Slide


prophecy fulfilled
the sign of someone who doesn't know what they are talking about:

"Endure + Reversal is good"
0mastar said:
the sign of someone who doesn't know what they are talking about:

"Endure + Reversal is good"

Also the sign of someone who doesnt know what they are talking about, Endureversal is good, but A SwordsDancing-Brickbreaking-Megahorning-Rockslider is better!!
Fighting_master, you have no idea what you're talking about. Endure + Reversal sucks.
Heracross needs more choice band and less endrev.

TTar eats endrevers for lunch, not to mention anything with quick attack/Extreme Speed etc. Besides its predictable anyway -_- Although in game I suppose its okay.
chaos952 said:
Fighting_master, you have no idea what you're talking about. Endure + Reversal sucks.

I said it was only Good otherwise known as Not Amazing/only Okay and suggested something that is better..... FYI!!

*Ryan* said:
Heracross needs more choice band and less endrev.

TTar eats endrevers for lunch, not to mention anything with quick attack/Extreme Speed etc. Besides its predictable anyway -_- Although in game I suppose its okay.

The Choice Band is only good with Heracross if you dont have Swords Dance, which is a bit of a problem!!

Atomic Boo

Oddium Wanderus ftw
0mastar said:
the sign of someone who doesn't know what they are talking about:

"Endure + Reversal is good"

Actually i've found in game Herracross are quite good with Endure and Reversal, sure there are better users but Herra shouldn't be overlooked.
Perhaps in the Battlenet it isn't as good as a lot of people train in speed, which wastes an Endure Reversaler.
fighting_master said:
I said it was only Good otherwise known as Not Amazing/only Okay and suggested something that is better..... FYI!!

The Choice Band is only good with Heracross if you dont have Swords Dance, which is a bit of a problem!!

At least with choice band you can get a decent hit in straight away and the move will still do major damage/good/decent damage to some counter pokemon that may switch in. However if you use swords dance, its just a free switch to a counter that will own hera.
*Ryan* said:
At least with choice band you can get a decent hit in straight away and the move will still do major damage/good/decent damage to some counter pokemon that may switch in. However if you use swords dance, its just a free switch to a counter that will own hera.

Not Necessarily, after using a Swords Dance there isnt much that will withstand a Heracrosses Megahorn....... (except Mabie Charizard), besides if it doesnt kill it in one, and if it goes first, it isnt a problem, because then the only threat is dead!!
Trust me here i have had the experience Here!!
fighting_master said:
Not Necessarily, after using a Swords Dance there isnt much that will withstand a Heracrosses Megahorn....... (except Mabie Charizard), besides if it doesnt kill it in one, and if it goes first, it isnt a problem, because then the only threat is dead!!
Trust me here i have had the experience Here!!

I can name pokemon that can withstand a swords dances megahorn easily:
etc etc

Skarm can be switched into hera easily anyway, provided that it doesn't have FP.
You have experience? LMFAO.

Player withdrew Pokemon!
Player sent out gfg (Lv. 100 Salamence)!
gfg's Intimidate cuts Heracross' Attack!
Heracross used Swords Dance!
Heracross' Attack sharply rose!

Waste of a turn.
*Ryan* said:
I can name pokemon that can withstand a swords dances megahorn easily:
etc etc

Skarm can be switched into hera easily anyway, provided that it doesn't have FP.

Tyranitar Wouldn't...... The Dark Type *sighs*!!!
Skam would yes..... the defence, but it wouldnt survive 2 Brick Breaks (they are v slow if you didnt know)
Salamence would survive one, but not 2 (if Heracross went 1st)
The same applies to Dragonite,and to Gengar!!
Aslo one major problem for Heracross it the increacing usage of Rayquazza Etc.

Back to what you said earlier about the choice band, That wouldnt help either cos it only raises the power of the attack by 1.5, which just isnt enough!!

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fighting_master said:
Tyranitar Wouldn't...... The Dark Type *sighs*!!!
Skam woulkd yes..... the defence, but it wouldnt survive 2 Brick Breaks (they are v slow if you didnt know)
Salamence would survive one, but not 2 (if Heracross went 1st)
The same applies to Dragonite,and to Gengar!!
Aslo one major problem for heracross it the increacing usage of Rayquazza and Gyrados.

Back to what you said earlier about the choice band, That wouldnt help either cos it only raises the power of the attack by 1.5, which just isnt enough!!

K why do I bother? Seriously you don't know what you're talking about.