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heracross moveset


I like pie.
first of all, don't say rockslide, rock tomb, or HP rock. i don't have the tms and i'm too lazy to breed the proper IVs.

this is for firered and I'm working on defeating the E4 so this is a heracross that I'm training. at lvl 48 it's attack stat is 161, so it looks like a good strong Pokemon.

my original plan was this move set:

brick break

but this will mostly require heracross being near death most of the time. i've tried this while training and i have to be very careful. one miss or one wrong move and i need to visit the Pokemon center. i don't like having something so "volatile" so I'm reworking it:

brick break
swords dance

i'm looking at earthquake for that last move, but i'd really prefer something with a few more pp. any suggestions? and by the way, don't suggest losing megahorn. i have good arguements on why i should keep it.


I won't give up!
Heracross @ Salac Berry
Adamant nature
- Swords Dance
- Endure
- Reversal
- Megahorn

Heracross @ Leftovers
Adamant nature
- Swords Dance
- Megahorn
- Rock Slide
- Brick Break / Focus Punch


Alea iacta est.
^ Seconds that. Also, Rock Slide is not a TM, it's a move tutor move in Rock Tunnel.

Heracross @ Choice Band
Adamant Nature
~ Megahorn
~ Facade
~ Brick Break
~ Rock Slide


I like pie.
i'll rephrase. i can't teach rockslide via the move tutor since i've already used it. i would like to just give it rockslide but i CAN'T. so don't suggest it. read my entire post before you post. i don't like the counter/reversal or endure/reversal thing either.


Well-Known Member
First of all, no sane person should suggest losing megahorn on heracross.
Heracross@ choice band/liechi berry
earthquake (rock slide is better, but...)
Swords dance


Rockslide/ megahorn/Brickbreak/Earthquake. You'll be able to do at least normal damage on every pokemon. pm me I there is a pokemon that it can't do at least normal damage.



^He said he can’t get Rock Slide. Great job reading the thread.

Heracross @Choice Band
Trait: Guts
Adamant Nature
-Brick Break

Works lovely


so adorable...
you could use emerald battle frontier move tutor if you have the game and can trade it if not use aragornbirds set