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Here are some sprites I made


The Sexy Kitty Cat
Well the first are in my sig... I will need to keep working on the others. (stupid paint just ****ed up the recoloring I did).

kuro mizu

.//SPPF's Emo Ninja+
they look a bit too wide...And they need shading.


The Sexy Kitty Cat
Umm... I should have clarified on them. They are Chaos. Dont know if you knew that, just wanted to put that out since I forgot.


The Sexy Kitty Cat
Okay, check my sig again. I changed them to be a little more exact to their head shape and added a little more detail. (shading in other words)


The Sexy Kitty Cat
what do you mean?

Do you mean like the ones in the sprite resource? In that case, I only took the body, I had to pretty much mutilate the head to the point where it isnt the base anymore.