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Heroes Club

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The Others

Lost Member
Heroes, the new hit TV show airing on NBC about a group of inviduals who are just beginning to learn they have extraordinary powers.


Claire Bennet - She can heal almost instantly from any injury.
D.L. Hawkins - The escaped criminal with a newly discovered power, Phasing.
Isaac Mendez - The painter who can paint the future.
Hiro Nakamura - Who can perfrom time travel, stop time, and even teleport.
Matt Parkman - The cop who can read minds, telepathy.
Nathan Petrelli - The brother who can fly.
Peter Petrelli - Power micicry, copying teh ability of those he's near.
Niki Sanders - Niki having a sort of "split personality"...
Mohinder Suresh - Son to the father who theorized about one day, people being born to save the world with special super-powers, who has since past.

Members List:
-The Others [Owner]

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-The Others

kuro mizu

.//SPPF's Emo Ninja+
I missed the first few episodes, but i saw one yesterday. Claire became my favorite character, and IMO, she has the best and most powerful power. I mean, if you can jump off of a bridge or ger hit by a car and LIVE, then thats really cool.

So yes, I'll join.


The Others

Lost Member
You all may join!

No one posting for a while, so I didn't think anyone was interested in Heroes on the forums.

My favorite would have to be Sylar, Hiro, and Nikki. I also do love Claire's powers.

[Btw, I love LOST too. LOST is still #1 IMO, with Heroes as #2]

One of my many theories:
Eden, the girl who was hanging out with Monhinder [Chandra's son] is in fact Sylar.

-The Others​

Black Hayate

Ablare en Español.
Can I join the club, please? This is my favorite show!

EDIT: Oh yeah, about the theory... I don't really think it fits, because
In Seven Minutes Till Midnight, Sylar was at the Burnt Toast Cafe, while Eden was with Issac and Mr. Bennet.
It also doesn't make sense because, I think, it's pretty obvious Sylar is a man. In Don't Look Back, when Sylar is shown for a brief moment, he has facial hair, and I don't think Eden has facial hair ^_^:

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