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The Golden summit!!
how many people have beem hexed in the bf.i want to know what are your bf battles that you were hexed in.my most hated hex item is quick claw,once i was in the battle tower and i was hexed by a metagross and i was knocked out of the battle tower and i was one battle away from fighting anabel.


Well-Known Member
1)sceptile vs. starmie in the battle dome my ice beams wouldn't hit. It kept missing and sceptile outclassed my starmie in speed.
2)mantine vs. flygon in the battle pyramid on the last floor too it just happened to be right after my sceptile and metagross got knocked out leaving me with a flygon that specialized in fire (rock after that battle) moves.
3 Psychic criticals in the Battle Arena >_< >_<
Knocked all of my pokemon out >_<

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Same with Mega Trickster. Accept for me, they never hit.


Well-Known Member
I hate how sand attack says it lowers opponet's accuracy. Also when a Walrein uses Sheer Cold three times and it kills all three of yours is something to make you mad.
edit:New Rank
a Trainer had a Deoxys in the battle tower against me and it knew psychic it defeated my pokemon in one hit it was wierd because your can,t bring legendary pokemon in there and don,t say i used a gameshark or a vba or an action replay.

~*Myuu the Ryuu*~

The epitome of grace
The first time I faced Noland, all his Gyrados did was Earthquake and he sweeped me.

I got revenge with my Starmie the second time around though >:)


I believe the term is "haxed"
For me it is usually an attack like Fury Swipes that has 5 critical hits.

Crypted Wolf

Well-Known Member
- Galie use Sheer Cold OHKO on my Blissey switch in.

- Bellylax w Quick Claw Knocked all my pokemon before they can even move!!!!!!

Most of the time is quick claw and OHKO with 100% Accurcy.