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Hey guys!!

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Chao Master

Hey guys. Whatsup. I would like to make new friends here. Please PM me.
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Chao Master

Thanks for being my friends. I added all you guys to my buddy list.

Chao Master

Talking about friends...There is a kid name Kevin Shibata. He is so annoying. He thinks he is stupid. When he gets a B or C, he hides his paper and puts a F-. I tell him that he wrote that but he said that the teacher wrote that. BACK ON SUBJECT:Kevin says that he only has 9 friends and thinks he is cool. I think you need about 70-100 friends to be cool(thats what I think).


Original Pokeshipper
Chao Master said:
Talking about friends...There is a kid name Kevin Shibata. He is so annoying. He thinks he is stupid. When he gets a B or C, he hides his paper and puts a F-. I tell him that he wrote that but he said that the teacher wrote that. BACK ON SUBJECT:Kevin says that he only has 9 friends and thinks he is cool. I think you need about 70-100 friends to be cool(thats what I think).

Thats kinda weird. 0_o;

Na you dont need to have a ton of freinds to be popular..look at me! "everyone starts laughing"

...never mind. Hey why dont you start up a thread or something in the Misc. Disc. section. :)

Chao Master

kukkyou_ooraka said:
...never mind. Hey why dont you start up a thread or something in the Misc. Disc. section. :)
Start about what. I could talk about chao.? -.-

Chao Master

In the PM, I know all about that. I just dont know what to make a thread about.


Original Pokeshipper
Chao Master said:
In the PM, I know all about that. I just dont know what to make a thread about.

Oh..well..it is important to know what you want to talk about. ^^;

Chao Master

OK. What I want you to do is to answer this reply right away kukkyou_ooraka. Did you ever play Sonic Aventure two battle?


Original Pokeshipper
Chao Master said:
OK. What I want you to do is to answer this reply right away kukkyou_ooraka. Did you ever play Sonic Aventure two battle?

"Clocks ticking"..Umm..ahhh...wait...ahh..no. Sorry I havent ever played that game. lol Whats it about?

Chao Master

I was going to make a thread about chao but I dont want to talk without you(leave you out).


Original Pokeshipper
Chao Master said:
I was going to make a thread about chao but I dont want to talk without you(leave you out).

But what is chao? Is it that little demon thing on your sig? xD I think you should put that in the entertainment section. But if you want to ask who like chao, then put it in the polls.

Chao Master

Yeah, sort of. Chaos come in different colors. There is hero chao, devil chao, and nuetruel chao.
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