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Hey nice meeting every one!


The Flygon fanatic
Uhh, hi...try making yourself a siggy...

oliver sreeves

Well-Known Member
i need friends too. i'm so lonely.

Blaziken D.

Sherlock James
Buongiorno, and welcome to Serebii! Read the rules, have fun, and pm me if you need help and or a friend. Most importantly, have a brownie! *gives brownie*


Main screen turn on!
Welcome to the forums. And whatever you do, don't make fun of sneasel in front of Vycksta.


Crack the Skye
Welcome to SPPf. Please enjoy your stay and be sure to do the following:
-Read the rules.
-Read all stickies on the forum. These are found at the top of each respective forum that you enter.
-Get your signature checked everytime you change it.
-Try to join a club. By doing so, you will most likely make friends of the same interest as you. Moreover, it will make you feel welcomed to the forums and less of a stranger.
-Have fun.

If you have comments, questions, or just need a friend/someone to talk to.....I'm only a PM away.....