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Hey, Real Good Way Of Beating Groundon To All Those Who Is Having Trouble!~


~Made In Korea~
Well, I really was stuck on Groundon, BUT I found the best way to beat him.

Poke_Trainer's Strategy.

Items Required:

At least 3 Reviver Seeds.

Oran Berries on your Partner & You.

Absol at least 80 Hp.

40~50 Gravel Rocks.


First Groundon will be a few steps away.
Do 2 Steps to make Absol the only one taking the hits.
Then with your Main Pokemon, (You.) Keep hitting Groundon with.... Gravel Rocks!! yep, keep doing that and you'll beat him faster then you can say:
I like Pie.

Have Fun and Break your leg~


Drifblim landing!
Here's another strategy:

Have a Grass Pokemon. Teach Pokemon Bullet Seed twice. Link both Bullet Seeds. Link another Grass move. Go PWNGroudon, ie:

*Bullet Seed
*Bullet Seed
*Mega Drain

*=Linked. That equals Groudon ownage. Or:

Mudkip (Or any Water starter)
*Ice Beam
*Ice Beam
*Water Gun

*=Linked. That equals Groudon ownage. Or:

Those 2 Movesets together to Groudon into seed filled soaking, frozen mush.
Besides Groudon is easy. My leader was a Pikachu and I owned him with 2 linked Thunderbolts :) My partner was Charmander with linked Ember and Metal Claw and my helper was an Aron with linked Mud Slap and Metal Claw. Groudon got OWNed in 2 turns.


Well-Known Member
Yea Groudon isnt that hard to beat. Its Recruiting him thats hard


Team Magma Captain
why use Gravel rocks, those just do 20 damage, Use a silver spike, or an iron spike.


Drifblim landing!
Another method is (If you must throw items) use Roar/Whirlwind and throw items from the oposite side of the room.


Ultimate Marshtomp
When I was a weak Mudkip, i'd just let him walk up, and keep doing mud slap so he wouldn't be able to hit my pokemon (mostly), and then my other pokemon are attacking too, then I won.


Well-Known Member
Their are different strategies but the one that I like is an all out assault I use all of my moves sure when it was just a totodile and charmander it did 40 damage each hit but given enough time(and patience if your impatient like me) it can be easy (oh and bring a link box for your partner and you and it's even easier). Now Recruiting is the hard part (19 tries and I still haven't recruited him).


It's decent, except there's no such think as Groundon.

Escalator's Strategy to beating Groudon, Kyogre and Rayquaza:

1) Recruit Water pokemon
2) Teach Pokemon Ice Beam and and a Grass Move. I belive Machop, Cubone and Skitty can.
3) Level pokemon up
4) Groudon will go down with Ice Beam/Bullet Seed or whatever
5) Ice Beam > Rayquaza
6) Own Kyorge with Grass move used
7) Beat Game