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Hi everybody!


Well, I'm new here and I thought I could get off by saying hello, first of all. Hehe. Well, I'm thirteen - nearly fourteen - and I'm looking forward to talking with you all!


Shiny Magcargo

Well-Known Member
HEy Kids, I'm new.

Hey everyone, I'm new the forums but not new to www.serebi.net. I can remember coming here since the GSC days. I just discovered the forum section recently, now that I'm back into video games. I take periodic breaks between games I get really into. I'm back into pokemon and excited for Diamond / Pearl. I'm actually going today to pick up Leaf Green and Emerald in preparation, I might buy a DS as well. I bought Sapphire a few years ago and recently started playing it. (I caught a shiny tentacool yesterday which marks my fourth shiny for sapphire, I think that's good for 90 playing hours.)

The games I was recently into were Final Fantasy IV advance and dreamfall (best story ever in any video game)

Anyway, I'm a lot older than the average pokemon player, I'm 21, so I'd be interested in meeting some other older players.

Thank you.

Shiny Magcargo

Well-Known Member
Sorry Gerard, I meant for this to be a new topic. Wow, I definitely am showing my newness to this site.


Welcome both of you! follow the rules and have fun. Pm me if you want to be friends or if you have questions.


Pachirisu sucks.
Welcome ^^

Im not an older member myself, just a lowly teenager, but Im sure we could be friends anyway :p

Shiny Magcargo

Well-Known Member
Don't say that, A lot of my friends, probably most are still teenagers. I'm not adverse to hanging out with younder people.

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
Im only a 9 year old but im still brainy.Hope you two enjoy your stay.Read the rules,dont spam and have fun!