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Hi guys

Blaziken D.

Sherlock James
Hello. Welcome to SPPf. If you need a friend and or any help, just PM me. Follow the rules, of course. And most importantly, have fun!

--- Scipio


Team Magma Captain
welcome to the foruma nd hope you have a nice stay, dont spam, read the rules, If you need a friend or someone to talk to just send me a Private message (PM)

Taylor Ray

Newest shiny
Hi and do what they said^ well pm me or anyone else if you have a question. (people are nice around here so dont be shy.


Ima chargin ma lazor
welcome to sppf i can tell you have a lot potential just folow the rules and you shoulkd do just fine pm me to be buddies


Well-Known Member
There right, everyone here is friendly! Pm me if you want some help around the site, have questions or just want to friends!