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Hi Hi Hi Hi

Lord wackruntlje

Speed up, n00b!
Welcome Algoze. We have been expecting you. Read the rules, dont abuse smilies, dont start fighting with someone and read the rules. Welcome again.


Hiya! Welcome to the forum :) Enjoy your stay and post lots ^-^

Scizor King

Scizor owns you.
Welcome song!

Oh, welcome,
some people are nice
and will give you rice,
others are cruel
and treat you like a mule...

Welcome, and don't be shy
or people will cast you as a spy,

Ahem, hope that made you laugh. Once again, welcome!


I ain't witty, so no
CD, you put that poem on a lot, dont you??? Welcome, and enjoy it here. PM me if you need help.

Angelic Elf Ivy

Well-Known Member
Champion Drake said:
Welcome song!

Oh, welcome,
some people are nice
and will give you rice,
others are cruel
and treat you like a mule...

Welcome, and don't be shy
or people will cast you as a spy,

Ahem, hope that made you laugh. Once again, welcome!
I'm nice and I don't give out rice. I should though! (*hands algoze a bag of rice) ^_^ Yum!

Anyway, done playin. Now welcome to the forums and hope you enjoy it here! If you want a friend or need help PM me, and I should at least be able to help you out a little!
