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Hi Ho Silver Wind! (398)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Hi Ho Silver Wind

It's the Grand Festival. The Time when all Co-ordinators who have one 5 contests come together to decide finally who is the best co-ordinator. May enters with her 5 Pokémon but does she have a chance of winning?

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Dull Manga Avatar
Harley's a scheming *******, and he deserves everything that happens to him.

I almost feel sorry for Team Rocket in these three episodes. They try so hard, and nothing goes as planned.


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
Yup...Harley does...and das good :D...

it was a good EP...SWALOT...eating JESSIE :D
A swalot ate Jessie? Dub script time!
Jessie:Oh great, maybe we should have gotten into this grand festival the traditional way
Swalot: Gulp, gulp, gulp (eats jessie) burp!
James: Don't worry, I've got a (flips through book) ground or psychc type, right? Okay just come out cacnea!
Cacnea: Cacnea!! (hugs james)
James: Can you tell the difference? I'm not a poison type, that is! (points at swalot)

(a dub script is what I think the dub lines are going to be like)

V Faction

Swalot ate Jessie! .... How erotic.

I think they need to work more on their "random Pokemon being trained" background fillers. We saw Houndoom and Jynx... who were just in the previous Contest! So what's this, see it once and its appearence rate goes up!?


Murgatroyd said:
Harley's a scheming *******, and he deserves everything that happens to him.

I almost feel sorry for Team Rocket in these three episodes. They try so hard, and nothing goes as planned.

Isn't that a little... harsh? I mean, I know Harley is a bit of a... b*tch, for want of a better word, but I don't think he deserves everything that he gets. He's just easily offended. If everyone thought that about him, then his current way of acting and living would just go on and on and thus end up with him going out of control with bitterness and hatred. ;_;


Volcano Trainer
Ya gotta love Harley in this epi. The schemes, the exaggerated niceness, the personality of that guy...good they have such a guy in the GF. The episode itself was a good build-up. It gave us a little taste of what to come and it brought us in the ''GF mood''. I do have a question: What was Gonbe's problem? Did it eat a wrong Poke Block or something?


Such a great ep ^^ and I don't even know 100% of what's going on because I could only rely on the ep pics.

I knew Drew would make it to the Grand Festival- but Harley made it too? It was a surprise for me to see that he made it. Eh, I guess I should have known, because of what happened at the end of the Izabel (is that right?) Contest episode.

How come May seemed to buy everything he was saying? Drew looked suspicious of Harley though...

It was cute that Drew gave May a rose ^^


Well-Known Member
V Faction said:
I think they need to work more on their "random Pokemon being trained" background fillers. We saw Houndoom and Jynx... who were just in the previous Contest! So what's this, see it once and its appearence rate goes up!?

I'd prefer to have some pokemon get more screen time than others... keep it all randomised as opposed to them all getting the same.


Custom User Title
Hmm, Harley's scheme to win Haruka's trust worked a bit too well if you ask me. So he merely appologizes and now he's everyone's friend? It just seems a bit too convenient for the writers. >>

I am rather glad of it though, because Harley was probably the best part of this episode. The way he pretended to be so sweet and nice was hilarious, especially when he kept popping up randomly throughout the episode.XD And his Engrish also had me in stitches. "Harley to temo happy!" (hope I got the spelling on that right.XP)

I also liked the little scene where it shows everyone tuned in the grand festival. It was nice to see some of the old (and some not-so-old) characters again and it reminded me of the Indigo League when everyone in Masara Town tuned in to watch Satoshi.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Flygone said:
I do have a question: What was Gonbe's problem? Did it eat a wrong Poke Block or something?
Gonbe snatched up a Pokeblock that a random trainer was feeding his Jiguzaguma, so Masato quickly gave Gonbe a Haruka Delicious Pokeblock, which filled it up and put it right to sleep. It stayed that way for the rest of the episode.


Heracross said:
Hmm, Harley's scheme to win Haruka's trust worked a bit too well if you ask me. So he merely appologizes and now he's everyone's friend? It just seems a bit too convenient for the writers. >>

I am rather glad of it though, because Harley was probably the best part of this episode. They way he pretended to be so sweet and nice was hilarious, especially when he kept popping up randomly throughout the episode.XD And his Engrish also had me in stitches. "Harley to temo happy!" (hope I got the spelling on that right.XP)

I also liked the little scene where it shows everyone tuned in the grand festival. It was nice to see some of the old (and some not-so-old) characters again and it reminded me of the Indigo League when everyone in Masara Town tuned in to watch Satoshi.

'Totemo' (Very for those that don't know) is just one word. ^_^ Oh, and I agree totally. You know, it may just be me, but I think Harley may be English or something. I mean, isn't constantly spouting random English a sign that a character is English/American? I mean, the odd word is okay and Japanesey and such, but when you hear 'GO MY BUD-DAYS NOKUTASU AND JUNPETTA!!!' you start to think. *nods*

Oh, and my favorite line of the episode: "Totemo SUPRISE!" XD Genius. Pure Genius. XD

Ah! Did anybody else notice Harley's constant use of the word 'kamo'? You'd think that May would get what was going on just by that. ^_^o

The Incarnation Pokemon

Aww, y'all beat me to the talk about Harley and his Engrish...
Alfonso said:
Oh, and my favorite line of the episode: "Totemo SUPRISE!" XD Genius. Pure Genius. XD
Ditto that. Very muchly. *nodnod* And I was rather surprised myself at the lack of accent when he said that line (because the accent was a bit more noticeable in his other lines of Engrish). So I guess what I mean to say is, just from watching him in that episode:
"Harley totemo CUTE!" <3


Custom User Title
Alfonso said:
'Totemo' (Very for those that don't know) is just one word. ^_^
Ahh, well I was close anyway.XP I just spelled it out exactly how it sounded, but I obviously couldn't tell if it was one word or not. :p