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Hi, I am newbie!


Sceptile enthusiast
Hi people. I wanted to join the this forum from June, 2006. And here i am!. I have read the rules and th faqs sections. You see, I am a great fan of Pokemon and my favorite is Sceptile.I do have a question though, can I change my ID? And where is the fan arts thing?
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Hi! follow the rules. Pm me if you want to be friends. Btw don't tell people anything personal about yourself(age, name, where you live).


Shiny Hunter
Hi and welcome.If ya need a friend, or more, just pm me.


Main screen turn on!
hello welcome to the forums! Follow the rules and don't do anything naughty.


Sceptile enthusiast
I found the fan arts section but could I change my I.D.?


Crack the Skye
Welcome to SPPf. Please enjoy your stay and be sure to do the following:
-Get your signature checked everytime you change it.
-Try to join a club. By doing so, you will most likely make friends of the same interest as you. Moreover, it will make you feel welcomed to the forums and less of a stranger.
-Have fun.

If you have comments, questions, or just need a friend/someone to talk to.....I'm only a PM away.....


Main screen turn on!
PM me to be friends.