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Hi. I use grammar <3

Hi. I'm Dane. I used to be on PUK, but I quit because the site seemed to be dead/dying. Plus, now I have my forum profile on the page I get all of my info from.

So yah. I suppose intorduce myself, eh?

Erm, my favorite starter is Goukazaru, my favorite Pokemon is Medicham, followed by Togekiss and Manmuu. My dream team is Meganium, Medicham, Goukazaru, Manmuu, Togekiss, and Swampert. I want Pearl for the sole reason that it's pink <3

I'm often witty, and will rant for paragraphs on paragraphs if you insult my favorite Pokemon, occasionally throwing in an unbacked threat that there is probably no chance of happening. So if I do, don't be alarmed! I won't be hovering over your bed at 2 am, knife, or bazooka (if I'm in the mood), in hand and/or hands.

You may proceed to worship the very ground I walk on, kissing my feet if necessary.

Now wasn't that fun?
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SoulSilver ftw!
Hello I'm Shinigami 13 I hope you get used to the forums it's pretty easy and people are nice so don't worry about people insulting your favorite Pokemon