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Hi, I Wish to Inform You All of the Wonders of Spives


Hello fellow members of Serebii.

So, I saw this forum and thought: This is one of the most well organized forums I have ever had the luck to come across. Thus, I joined.

Hear me roar. XP

I merely wanted to introduce myself before I wander off along the merry road of posting.


Follow the rules and have fun. Pm me if you have questions or if you want to be friends.


Thank you to those who have posted replies. I'm already having so much fun.

So many threads. . .


Flame Trainer
Thank you to those who have posted replies. I'm already having so much fun.

So many threads. . .

...yet so little time? lol

There's lots of nice people here, so you should have a great time. Just drop a PM if ya have a question or blah, k? Knowing the rules'll help ya out a lot ^_^


I ceremoniously read the rules before I joined, and will read over them again in case I forget something. XD

The kindness of the members is the second thing I noticed after joining.
Hiya! ...Wow, that's the most interesting intro I've heard in along time, and you didn't even use chatspeak. ^_^ Well, whatever. Keep reading the rules, check out the stickied threads, make some friends, and have fun!



Hiya! ...Wow, that's the most interesting intro I've heard in along time, and you didn't even use chatspeak. ^_^ Well, whatever. Keep reading the rules, check out the stickied threads, make some friends, and have fun!

The title just came to mind. . .I was thinking of eating utensils at that time.

And I largely stress the importance of legible grammar on the Internet. Chatspeak is a peeve of mine. Except when used in chat. . .


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forums and have a great time, PM me if you need any help or need another friend. I'm not usually posting on this forum, but you look like a promising member :p
Hello. Make friends, have fun, read the rules, and all that jazz. PM me if you need a friend, are intrested in Legend of Zelda or Castlevania, or are bored and need some randomosity in your life.


Virtual Headache: Thanks for the welcome.

Smack That!!!!: Thanks.

Random Charizard: Thanks, and I don't really have all that much time either, but oh well. XP

Yellow Hat: Logic is my life. XD Thanks for the welcome.

2bcelebi320: That last time I checked the local Fred Meyer, they didn't have Castylvania: Dawn of Sorrow, which I really wanted. But thanks for the welcome.