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Hi, Im Luke and I have a bunch of questions! ^_^


New Member
So I decided a few days ago that I wanted to get into competitive GB tourneys for pokemon. However, I dont know what the rules are for tournament level play and i wanted to know if someone could fill me in. Furthermore, do they do single and double battles for tournament play? Where can I find this info and were can I find tourneys to play in? Also, what does it mean when you say "sleep clause" or any clause for that matter?

Ok, now I have some questions regarding the game itself. I just beat the elite 4 and went out and bought the national pokedex at a local gamestop. The ammount of depth in this game is amazing but I have to admit that I have never raised a pokemon to level 100. Is there a faster way to do it or does it just take time and patience from battling the elite four?

I also have a few questions concerning the game mechanics. I'm a little confused about how everyone on the message board is able to keep track of their pokemon's effort values since they are hidden. Is there a way to check or do you just have to keep track yourself. Also, On serebii pokedex it talks about a pokemon max stats depending on if it has a beneficial nature. How do you know if a pokemons nature is beneficial to it or not? And what does the personality of a pokemon have to do with anything?

As far as pokemon are concerned, I want to know if Machamps "No guard" ability affects all four pokemon in battle during a double battle. If so, does this mean fissure and horndrill are 100% accu.? And does the "no guard" ability only apply to attacks (ex. physical and special) or does it apply to status changing moves like hypnosis or WoW? And if a flying pokemon is underground from dig, does it still get hurt by earthquake? Oh and if a pokemon uses substitute and the opposing pokemon use roar does it blow both the substitute and the pokemon away or just the substitute?

Sorry for being a n00b x_X

thanks in advance for the help! ^_^


Well-Known Member
We keep track of our pokemon's EV's ourselves. Also, wifi battles let you set your pokemon to level 100 if you want.

As far as I know, no guard affects all moves in battle, so cross chop, fissure, will-o-wisp, etc. will hit.

Earthquake always hit digging pokemon for double power, but I'm not sure about the flying part.

Roar does nothing against a sub.


Resident Techy
So I decided a few days ago that I wanted to get into competitive GB tourneys for pokemon. However, I dont know what the rules are for tournament level play and i wanted to know if someone could fill me in. Furthermore, do they do single and double battles for tournament play? Where can I find this info and were can I find tourneys to play in? Also, what does it mean when you say "sleep clause" or any clause for that matter?
Finding tournaments is something you'll need to do on your own. I saw a sign at a local GameStop a few weeks ago for a tournament, but I was working that day and couldn't attend (plus I still don't actually have a team ready), but that might be a place to ask about. Theoretically, if they get enough people in asking about one, they'd consider hosting it.

Any details about the tournament (single/double battle, clauses, etc) are completely up to the tournament organizer. You should definitely check on such things as soon as you hear about an event, because they can dramatically change the nature of the gameplay. "Sleep Clause" is a way of saying that you cannot use a sleep move if one of your opponent's other pokemon is already asleep, to prevent a Spore-spamming Breloom from totally ruining the day. Also popular is the "Freeze Clause", which is the same as the sleep clause but for freezing; the "Item Clause", which means that no two pokemon can hold the same item; and the "Ubers Clause", which prohibits the use of Uber-tier Pokemon. Again, you should check all these out. Different people have different definitions for what is "standard". Different lists of banned pokemon/items/moves.

Ok, now I have some questions regarding the game itself. I just beat the elite 4 and went out and bought the national pokedex at a local gamestop. The ammount of depth in this game is amazing but I have to admit that I have never raised a pokemon to level 100. Is there a faster way to do it or does it just take time and patience from battling the elite four?
During multiplayer battles, there is an option to set all Pokemon to the same level (50 or 100), so you don't actually have to spend all your time training up to level 100 if you don't want to. You will want to get all your EVs maxed, though. See below.

I also have a few questions concerning the game mechanics. I'm a little confused about how everyone on the message board is able to keep track of their pokemon's effort values since they are hidden. Is there a way to check or do you just have to keep track yourself. Also, On serebii pokedex it talks about a pokemon max stats depending on if it has a beneficial nature. How do you know if a pokemons nature is beneficial to it or not? And what does the personality of a pokemon have to do with anything?
As has been said already, EV (effort value) points have to be kept track of manually. You can only have a total of 510 points, with 255 max in any one slot. Since four EV points add up to 1 stat point at level 100, you want to pick a number divisible by four for each stat you're putting points into. Then, check online for lists of how many EV points are granted by each pokemon, and start battling pokemon who grant points in the specific stat you are training for. You can use the PokEtch counter function, or just a pen and paper to count along as you count your way up to your goal.

The Natures (listed in the game when you look at each pokemon's stats) give either a +10% boost to one stat and -10% to another, or do nothing. I know the Prima pokedex guidebook has a chart showing how they are all affected, so you can check there, or online (GameFAQs.com has a lot of helpful data).

I don't know too much about specifics, so I'll let the experts help you on that. Good luck. Maybe I'll run into you one of these days.


prophecy fulfilled
No Guard makes all attacks used by Machamp, and also against Machamp, 100% accurate. This is ANY move. Including OHKO's.

If a Pokemon is flying or underground, the move will still hit, unless that Pokemon has a resistance. So Earthquake will still not hit a Flygon that has used Dig, while using Dynamic Punch on the digging Flygon would hit.

In a 2v2 battle, i'm pretty sure if you used a OHKO move with Lapras, onto the opponant's Ninjask, then it would have 30% accuracy as Mahchamp has not used the move. However if you decided to Sheer Cold your own Machamp with said Lapras, then it would have 100% accuracy.

Roar and Whirlwind blow away Pokemon behind a substitute. The only time they won't remove the Pokemon is if the Pokemon has used Ingrain, or has the Suction Cups trait.