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hi i'm new can you look at my team?


Gyarados @ Leftovers
Adamant 212HP/16ATK/180DEF/100SPD
Dragon Dance
Ice Fang

sounds cool. lol it evolves from magikarp :D


Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Bold 188 HP / 252 Def / 68 SpAtk
Ice Beam
HP Electric/Protect

really cute.


Mesprit @ Leftovers
Modest 252 HP/200 Def/58 SpAtk
Calm Mind
Ice Beam

one of my favorites too.

Blissey @ Leftovers "ANGEWOMON
Calm 252 Def/252 SpDef/6 HP
Seismic Toss
Ice Beam

hi my name is nurse joy.


Gliscor @ Leftovers
Impish 252 HP/200 Def/58 Speed
Swords Dance
Aerial Ace
Baton Pass

sooo coool.


Metagross @ Leftovers
Adamant 252 Atk/184 Speed/72 HP
Meteor Mash
Thunder Punch

wow this is my favorite poke ever. a Robot poke? OMG@


Sweet trainer
Glyscor is your only downfall

otherwise your OK


Dragon Specialist
mespirit is an uber isnt it??

anyways ur tream is very slow, u will most likely the first to get hit, and i dont thing metagross is bult for speed, u should of maxed out gyaradoses speed
Metagross's Speed EV's are to outspeed Adamant CBTar, and to maximize agility. Agiligross is hard to beat.

That Bulky Build for Gyarados lets it takes hits, and deal them out. It counters Garchomp, something not much on my team can really do.

Gliscor should be fine, it counters Tyranitar/Heracross and friends, so that my sweepers can sweep. It also can BP to either Metagross or Gyarados.


Fire Master
Shouldn't Blissey max HP and sp. Def out? Why defense.

Other wise, very good


Shouldn't Blissey max HP and sp. Def out? Why defense.

Other wise, very good

So it doesn't die from CB Blissey Return.

Or so it can take Physical attacks better.

your teams alright but dude seriously glyscor is a downfall... your team isn't bad it just needs a little adjusting...

lol at the Gliscor is a downfall. It's the only 100% Hera counter in the game.


how is gliscor not helping as it is the only thing that counters CS heracross
it comes in on bliss and decimates his pokemon one by one as he doesn't have any wish support
EDIT: go away raito you smell >:[
I actually have Vaporeon for Wish support, but yeah. I am very sure about Gliscor, it is a very solid Heracross counter and this team needs it.

Defense is necessary, because Blissey is my only Specsmence counter. Whether or not it is Specsmence, at least with the Defense my Blissey can get away with switching to DDmence EQ or something.

Seriously, Gliscor needs to be on this team. It is the most consistent Heracross counter in the game, Skarm and Bronzong are 2HKO'd by Close Combat.


how is gliscor not helping as it is the only thing that counters CS heracross
it comes in on bliss and decimates his pokemon one by one as he doesn't have any wish support
EDIT: go away raito you smell >:[

fack you.

anyways, it's a very Solid team. Threats are covered and the team flows well. gj