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Hi! I'm new


The new tuxedo look!
Welcome! PM for help, a friend or something for my sig.
Read the rules, join a club or two, and support the serebii fusion contest if you like priting.


Have fun and follow the rules. Pm me if you want to be friends.
Hey! Im sorta new here too! Im sure you'll fit rite in, as long as you read the rules! PM (private message) me if you wanna be friends


Welcome,have fun and PM me to be friends.

~Fang Out;254;


**Legendary Maven**
I am da perfect friend 4 u

hellooooooo PEOPLEEEEEE GENTS AND LADIES KIDS TEENS..lol if u need someone dark gloomy and lovessssss pikequeenlucy milotic or anything beautiful<<<<<i know i sound redundant .. most girls would want to be my friend but I AM A BOY...lol... so i know i like beautifull things...so what.....lol.... so yea i make a nice friend .pm me....and read my profile if u wanna know more bout me.Just click on the BATTLE PIKE AVATAR and u will go to my profile ^_^...and u can email me...if u do, i will be sure to add u on to my list^_^

(but most important of all feel SAFE and everybody here will treat u with respect and would want to replay to u with open arms.....like me) HAVE FUN

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:025n172: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


**Legendary Maven**
I am da perfect friend 4 u

hellooooooo PEOPLEEEEEE GENTS AND LADIES KIDS TEENS..lol if u need someone dark gloomy and lovessssss pikequeenlucy milotic or anything beautiful<<<<<i know i sound redundant .. most girls would want to be my friend but I AM A BOY...lol... so i know i like beautifull things...so what.....lol.... so yea i make a nice friend .pm me....and read my profile if u wanna know more bout me.Just click on the BATTLE PIKE AVATAR and u will go to my profile ^_^...and u can email me...if u do, i will be sure to add u on to my list^_^

(but most important of all feel SAFE and everybody here will treat u with respect and would want to replay to u with open arms.....like me) HAVE FUN

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:025n172: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


**Legendary Maven**
oopss my bad for posting it two times....i must have accendently clicked POST 2 times...oopsss
welcome!!! I joined being around the forums too. Have fun and read the rules.
Join my club!!! Its the Rioru and Lucario fan Club.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Oh, welcome, Pm if you want to talk or else.