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Hi, I'm new


;474;Hi, I am a newbie on serebii forums. well, to start off my time here I will tell you alittle about me.
My favorite pokemon is Porygon,
username is named after what porygon is, I am an artist, I have been into pokemon since I was 6, I love to play video games, and a bunch of stuff like that. Hope I have a great time here.

Shadow Ichigo

Left On A Journey
Welcome to Serebii.Net forum Polygon^^. Hope you enjoy and have lots of fun here. Read the rules and you'll be fine. PM me anytime if you like to be friends sometime.


-swampert used gasp!
hi there,have fun here, obey the rules(they know where you live!),help me in my plans to steal the world supply of pie,and....oh,forget that last part.


Ok,I read the rules, I will post in other fourms soon, so I will be ok for the time i'm here. Thanks for saying hello ^^


Have fun. Pm me if you have questions or if you want to be friends.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Welcome and have fun. BTW, Read the rules. PM if you want to be in my Buddy List.