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hi! i'm rainbow mew's sister!

aipom girl

rainbowmews lil sis!
hi! I'm rainbow mew's sister! please pm me if you want to be friends!;munchlax;


Natsu no Maboroshi
Oh, hello. Welcome to the forums. PM if you want something.
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*¬* saiyuki~<3
have a ince time and sorry to say i haven't heard of your bro
argh! im her big sister! not brother, (we have one though,he's the crazy 3 year old of the family!)
anyway its good to see people wanting to be friends with her^^
sooo see ya peeps!


*¬* saiyuki~<3
oh yeah BTW: i added some of you as buddies!


Well-Known Member
Welcome to SPPF! PM me if you want to be friends, have questions or want advice!
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*¬* saiyuki~<3
HIM??? im a GIRL! ._.
waah... cant you tell by the girl trainer on the pokepet thing?...
Hi Aipom Girl. I adopted you big sister rainbow mew in the adopt a newbie thread. Remember to follow the rules. And rainbow mew please don't double post.
And lots of boys have choose May over Brendan. I always choose the female protagonist because they are always better in my view. For example, the D/P male protagonist (Let's call him Diamond for now) wears a berre(sp?) that is diagonal enough to launch a plane off it. Hikari on the other hand has the less horrible snow hat.
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Well-Known Member
No you didn't, you edited your post! I was gonna say the same thing SHE said, but when I looked at it again, it said She insted of He.

EDIT: I'm talking to weavlie/perap eater.


Team Magma Captain
Welcome to the forum, hope you have a nice stay, dont spam, read the rules, If you need help or a friend just tell me{Private Message}PM.

I think i know your sister but not sure.


*¬* saiyuki~<3
huh? ok its all the editing stuff! silly me ^^!


Main screen turn on!
Hello, nice to meet you. Have fun on the forums. Also, you should try one of Deoxys' brownies, they're delicious.