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hi peeepuhls!

hi! i'm new here! my friend blastoise786 told me about dis site and it seems awesome so far! man who invented this genisuotity (ya i know that is not a word it is like genius+otity ;)) of a site!

Freeze Knight

super cuno
Hi! Welcome! I´m glad you like this side.
PM me if you want to be friends.

♥Princess Ketchum♥

#1 Ash Satoshi Lover
Hi there bLASTOIse_MAsTer :D welcome to the fourms XD

I Hope you enjoy your stay and make loads of friends and pm me if u need any help :)

~* Mudkip girl *~


who gives a crap if you are new! but have a good time...i think...


Think Different
Welcome Blastoise Master, I suppose if you already know someone on the site you won't have any problems and thus do not need my help.

Banedboy your, like, so funny it's unbelievable. That joke is so original, i've never ever heard it before.


i was just kidding i will be your friend on this web new guy i am very nice acculy i am a really heplful person to people so i just try to be funny.
^--sp on accualy;)

p.s. i think i know you...

p.s.s. i am not a moron doctor regal.

p.s.s.s. when i curse and stuff(see my location,hobies,.ect)i don't mean any of it

p.s.s.s.s.i was not born in 1984 like i wrote i am 11 too.
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Well-Known Member
bannedboy said:
i was just kidding i will be your friend on this web new guy i am very nice acculy i am a really heplful person to people so i just try to be funny.
^--sp on accualy;)

p.s. i think i know you...

p.s.s. i am not a moron doctor regal.

p.s.s.s. when i curse and stuff(see my location,hobies,.ect)i don't mean any of it

p.s.s.s.s.i was not born in 1984 like i wrote i am 11 too.
Actually,he isnt a moron. He is a mentally illed 11 year old boy. Hi. I am 11 too,and I can act better now cant I?Well you should try. Oh wait!You cant!Cause you only speak retardeese!How did I forget D:.

Welcome person,advice:
Just follow the rules 'kay?


Active Member
RandomCharizard said:
Actually,he isnt a moron. He is a mentally illed 11 year old boy. Hi. I am 11 too,and I can act better now cant I?Well you should try. Oh wait!You cant!Cause you only speak retardeese!How did I forget D:.SIZE]

i agree totaly dude.