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Hi there, im new.



Hello everyone. :D

I want to salute everyone with a hearthy hello, and keep myself informed of the new happenings of the Pokemon world. =P

In the case I want to make a question about Effort Values, Breeding, and other stuff like those, where is the right forum to post it? I want to know quick so someone can answer my doubts as soon as possible.

Thanks for your attention. ;202;


Hello 'othus. Enjoy your stay here, don't break the rules, don't poste animated smilies for no reason, and don't drink soda near a computer. It's dangerous.

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Best places for the things you want to chat about would be any place where they are rating or discussing the Pokemon training in the games.

Anyways, welcome to SPPf and I hope that you have a great time.


Love. Honor. Truth
Welcome Pablothus.You can talk about EVs IVs and DVs here.Breeding is here.
Read the rules and stickies if you need any help your question may have been answered in a forum sticky,or at the main site.
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Bring it.
Welcome to the forums of serebii. If you need a friend drop me a PM. Sppf has a lot to offer, like the stuff you wanted like fanfics, rpgs and much more, so read the rules and enjoy^_^

Dat Banned Guy

Welcome and if you wanna be friends pm me ok, and if you need help with something feel free to ask