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Hi yall!


Totodile 4 Ever!
Well I'm new... But dont get me wrong i'm not new to Pokemon, just this board... Well my favorite pokemon is Totodile and Squirtle.
(I dont like Mudkip, he cant learn cut...:mad:) And I like to draw and go on other boards and stuff...


Well-Known Member
Hi! Welcome to the forums! I'm new, but I know how this goes:

Hi, welcome to SPPF! Read the rules, have fun and if you need any help, thats what other members ar for, The FAQ really helped me! See ya soon!


-swampert used gasp!
hi there! have fun,read the rules,pm me if your bored or just wanna friends,and help me in my plans to steal all the world pies!...err,forget that last part


Josh trainer
Welcome, here are some important and useful links:

Rules - Read them and follow them.

- Check here if you have any questions before making a new thread.

Search - Use it if you're looking for something. And also, before making a thread, check if there's one like it already.