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~ B ~

Don't read this
Well hello, I'm new on the forums. I took a whole night before I could enter the forums, because I was the whole night validated.. ;manaphyegg;

Whatever. I'm ~ B ~

My hobbies are. Pokemon and Naruto Kun and I live in The Netherlands. ;026;


Eevee of the day.
Welcome ~ B ~ to the Forums! As you know, read the rules, and remember have fun!
Dance Raichu! ;026;


-swampert used gasp!
welcome to the forums! have fun,read the rules,and help me make plans for my world domination scheme....err,forget that last part.


aka Arbok
Well, hello to the Serebiiforums ~ B ~!

Have a good time, read the rules and... Ask me for any help you could need. :)


Queen of Charizards!
Hiya, I'm cybermew, and I hope you're better that 1eeve1, then again, anyone's better than 1eeve1

OK What's wrong with 1eeve1?

Anyhow, Welcome to the forums. PM me if you want to be friends
Hiya! Make sure you read the rules (even if you already have),and enjoy yourself! If you need help or a friend, PM me.


Well-Known Member
Well hello, I'm new on the forums. I took a whole night before I could enter the forums, because I was the whole night validated.. ;manaphyegg;

Whatever. I'm ~ B ~

My hobbies are. Pokemon and Naruto Kun and I live in The Netherlands. ;026;

Welcome to Serbiiforums!



Knight of Oblivion

have a good time at the forum....please don't spam.....*inserts standard greeting*

here take this *gives a basket of cookies* ^.^


Well-Known Member
Hi!! Have fun!! Whats Wallmart? Does it sell wall stuff? Dont smoke!! Smoking kills!! When you die, you lose a very inportant part of your life!! lololololololol!!


Natsu no Maboroshi
Hello. I'm new too.