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welcome!! dont forget to read the rules, have fun and make alot of friends!!!!


Shinx <3
Hey, welcome and abide the rules, Night_Walker.
Enjoy and have a good time.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Welcome, Night_Walker!:)
Just try to have some fun.


Blaziken rules!
A lot of fun!

Hello, have a lot of fun on this site! I've also just joined this month. It's very fun on this site.

If you want an image for under your messages, then you have to either make one yourself or ask someone for help. (Just don't ask me because I can't do it.)
You may already have seen it, but everyone here has a rank. You can also give a name to the rank you're on.
Sometimes posts don't count. You can see it on the top of the page. Like on this forum. Then it says "Posts Do Not Count Towards Postcount".

Have a lot of fun and I hope that you will be posting on this site for a long time!


Queen of Charizards!
Have loads of fun, PM me if you want me to be your friend


Not 'Thomas Stein!'
Hi Night_Walker!
Welcome to the forums! Enjoy!

A hint for catching Groudon if you have chosen Treecko:
Try to level Sceptile up to lv59. It will learn False Swipe and it would never knock out that earth king. It helped me ;-)!

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
welcome! PM me if you need help or just want to chat.