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Ghost Pokemon King
Welcome pm me to be friends

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
you click on their name then go down to send privet message to (insertname here) and there you go anyways Welcome! Pm me if you need help,want to be friends or just want to chat

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
sorta didn't understand your question but yes I think

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
you go to the top of the screen where it says Welcome Pikaman click privite messages and it will take you to the inbox and after that there will be a little scroller neer the top of your inbox you can click the arow to go to the messages you've sent also
and thats how you cheak your inbox (he pmed Me asking for the info)

Hyper Shadow

Well-Known Member
you go to user cp then go to edit profile go down to custom user title type it in then go down to the bottem of the page and hit save changes to cange the banner you have to post in the sections of the forum that count tords postcount and when you post a certin number of posts it will change
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Wolf Goddess

~Lupo Di Autunno~
This is not a chatroom. You should bother to take the extra three seconds to type decently, and use the edit button.

ΩOmega WeavileΩ

Skinning every bears
No, you have to manually correct it, but if you really want to be accurate copy and paste it onto Microsoft Word and check your spelling there.


Omega Weavile double posted...
Anyway welcome to the forums read the rules and PM me if you want to be friends.


+ L i g h t m a r e
Hello Pikaman. ^_^ Welcome to SPPf. Follow the rules, have fun, and eat pie. Pokepal, since Omega's post is exactly the same and it was posted at the same time, it probably means that there was a lag and he clicked on the "post quick reply" button twice. Different from deliberately doble posting IMO... :/


I love Dara <3
Hello! ^_^ Welcome to the forums! PM me if you want to be friends or if you need help =)