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<- He want da cookie
Hi im new here. I am home shcooled and I had A lot of free time so I joined these forums. I am also A huge pokemon fan!;438;
Bon Soir =)

Welcome to the forums, do make yourself at home. Feel free to PM if you need any help at all. Make sure to read the rules section as Comis Patronus said.

No, I'm not French by the way. Have fun!


New Member
Hi, have a good time on the forum. You can add me to your buddy list if you want.PM me if you need any help or want to ask me about something.


Well-Known Member
hey, im pepsa! You can PM me if you ever need a question answered, or anything! or just to be friends. I love that there are so many new members now!


Natsu no Maboroshi
Hello. Have fun