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Evil Monkey

Breeding Master
Hey! I'm new, mostly joined because, even though I haven't played pokemon in aaaaages, Wi-Fi trading in D/P really appeals to me, and lets face it, pokemon games are fun! So, hi :D

One question- If I had say FireRed on Emu, and put it on a flash cart, could I trade it with either 2 DS' (FR in one, D/P in another), 1 DS and 1 GBA, or even just 1 DS (FR in GBA slot- somehow I doubt this ;]). I'm a bit confused about it.

Later, EM
Hiya! Read the rules, check out the stickied things, make friends, and have fun! If you need a friend or help, you can PM me as well. ...What? Sorry, I don't know much about the Diamond and Pearl trading system.