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Shadow phoenix

serebii some is going round sites pretending to be you and spaming


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Can you provide an example?

intergalactic platypus

Only rescues maidens
well i know some idot on PUK is saying their serebii and threatening to cut off the paws of the sentret in ask sentret, and i doubt you would do that so i figure its someone pretending to be you

Momoko Lover

Hop, Skip, Jump!!!
Somebody must not have a life, if they are going around acting like another person.


Well-Known Member
Jay's not like that. He's not the kind of person who would just go up behind your back and start copying you, he's an upfront kind of person.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
shadow phoenix said:
he might do given the chance
but you cannot acuse someone of doing something without proof.....
won't the person need Means, Motive and Oppurtunity? I know that is used for murders but it still can be used...

Maybe it was someone who was banned and didn't know why/ wants revenge, or a rival pokemon fan site....

Iron Lugia

Orange Champion
Yeah, plus I think someone is using your info and claiming it as their own though some of it is quite off. (Ex: They said Mew was catchable in XD)