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xana's combusken

hi i'm xana's combusken
my favriot shows are pokemon and code:lyoko
my favriot pokemon are combusken bulbasaur and absol

xana's combusken

thanks is there any news on what mays egg will hatch into


Well-Known Member
Not very sure, but welcome to the forums! ^^


true love
Welcome to SPPf, and enjoy your stay. And don't forget to read the rules and announcements, and the like.

And Absol's one of my fav. too. But I have no idea on your question of May's egg, because I have yet to watch the series. >>;

Angelic Elf Ivy

Well-Known Member
Hiya! Hope you have tons-o-fun here at SPPf! Well PM me if you want a new friend! I'd be happy to in fact!

Um. . .May has an egg? Maybe I should start watching the show again! I like watchin Pokemon eggs hatch for some odd reason. :p
