Currently looking for the following list of HA Pokemon, preferably Female where applicable for ease of passing the ability.
Swinub, Golett, Natu, Pancham, Klink, Timburr, Solosis.
I currently have available for trade;
Silicobra, Wooper, Dewpider, Clobbopus, Hattena, Eevee, Applin, G Farfetch'd, Indeedee, Corsola, Snom, Pinchurchin, Rookidee, Drilbur, Tyrogue, Charmander, Pichu, Hippopotas, G Zigzagoon, Vulpix, Corphish, Krabby, Minccino, Bunnelby, Gothita and Darumaka.
I am also willing to trade one to one Apricorn Balls or Bottle Caps as well as Pokerus infected Pokemon, though I would ask for two of my requested HA Pokemon for a Golden Bottle Cap.
Swinub, Golett, Natu, Pancham, Klink, Timburr, Solosis.
I currently have available for trade;
Silicobra, Wooper, Dewpider, Clobbopus, Hattena, Eevee, Applin, G Farfetch'd, Indeedee, Corsola, Snom, Pinchurchin, Rookidee, Drilbur, Tyrogue, Charmander, Pichu, Hippopotas, G Zigzagoon, Vulpix, Corphish, Krabby, Minccino, Bunnelby, Gothita and Darumaka.
I am also willing to trade one to one Apricorn Balls or Bottle Caps as well as Pokerus infected Pokemon, though I would ask for two of my requested HA Pokemon for a Golden Bottle Cap.
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