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Hidden Power

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Master Trainer
ok i still dont get it wat is hidden powerBUG and hidden powerWATER etc
like a good move set 4 donphan is rapid spin earthquake rockslide and HIDDEN POWER BUG i just dont get it some one plz tell me.anothere thing i bred a donphan and a kekleon and donphan still doent know ancient power
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Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
Hidden power is not a water or bug move. It just has the same effect as if it were one of them. This is difficult to explain, so you might consider reading this article on the subject instead: http://www.serebii.net/games/hidden-power.shtml

Sonata Arctica

This question gets asked about 12 times a week. How do people manage to get to these forums without knowing about the mainsite?

Magma Leader Maxie

Non caedor caedo
Your replies don't have much value. Did you really need to post them?
Sonata Arctica said:
How do people manage to get to these forums without knowing about the mainsite?
How do people manage to become presidents without knowing jack about politics? Same thing here.

P.S. Here's the Attackdex page: http://www.serebii.net/attackdex/hiddenpower.shtml


Heat Trainer
the type of attack that hidden power becomes is based on its ivs, certain combinations of ivs will produce hp bug, the only way to tell what hp your pokemon will have is to teach it hidden power, and either attack random types and try to work out by what it is effective and uneffective to, or by battling a kecleon, in which case it will say kecleon became x type


Or use the iv calculator on the main site.

There. Question anwsered. close this thread.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Hooray for spamming and not letting this thread die once it was answered. :)

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